Music / klassiske symfonier


Reviews (4)

The guardian

d. 21. May 2020



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 21. May 2020

"Franck has a decent claim to being the most influential French composer of the 19th century - this is a reminder of the clarity of his orchestral vision".

Fono Forum

2020 September



Andreas Friesenhagen

2020 September

"Jean-Luc Tingaud rückt die Partitur in lichtere Bereiche, priorisiert Durchhörbarkeit und klare Diktion. Mit eher fragilem als sattem Streicherklang gelingt es ihm dennoch, wunderbar gesangliche Linien zu formen. Der offenbar klein besetzte Chor ist etwas zu präsent im vergleich zum Orchester eingefangen".

BBC music magazine

2020 August



Roger Nichols (musikanmelder)

2020 August

"The four symphonic poems Franck wrote ... fall into two quite distinct categories: gentle atmospheric (Les Éolides, Psyché) and dynamic virtuosic (Le Chasseur maudit, Les Djinns). I must admit to finding the former by far the less interesting ... On every front Le Chasseur maudit is far more enjoyable ... Conductor and orchestra respond".

The gramophone

2020 September



Christian Hoskins

2020 September

"While recordings of Franck's Symphony in D minor are legion, complete versions of his extended tone poem Psyché ... are much rarer ... Tingaud's performance is highly successful at communicating the poetry and rapture inherent in the music. He also gives us a very good account of the literary-inspired tone poem 'Le chausseur maudit', whose darkness and energy provide a strong contrast with the later work".