Music / klassiske symfonier

Symphony in D minor

Reviews (17)

RBB Kultur

d. 4. June 2020



Hans Ackermann

d. 4. June 2020

"Unter dem griffigen Titel "Franck by Franck" lässt der finnische Dirigent Mikko Franck das Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France sinfonische Werke des französischen Komponisten César Franck spielen. Besonders in der klangprächtigen Interpretation der sinfonischen Dichtung "Ce qu'on entend sur la montagne" zeigt sich die zukunftsweisende Modernität des 1890 gestorbenen französischen Komponisten".

The guardian

d. 21. May 2020



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 21. May 2020

"Although the Symphony in D minor is the main work on Franck by Franck, Finnish conductor Mikko Franck's disc ... it also includes the earliest of the symphonic poems as a substantial fill-up ... It lasts almost half an hour, but although there are some striking ideas and passages of great textural beauty it does seem too long, though perhaps a more urgent performance than Franck's might give it more coherence, for as in the symphony, he tends to opt for refinement over excitement".

The guardian

d. 19. Jan. 2023



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 19. Jan. 2023

"Most of the discs issued to mark César Franck's bicentenary last year have been reissues, but the selection of orchestral works on Alpha from the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra under Alain Altinoglu makes a belated exception. As well as Franck's Symphony in D Minor, heard much less often nowadays than it once was, and the best known of the symphonic poems, Le Chasseur Maudit, Altinoglu also includes the orchestral interlude that Franck originally intended to separate the two parts of his choral "poème-symphonie" Rédemption. All the performances are sober, well-paced and never overblown, with textures as transparent as the scoring allows them to be".

MusicWeb international

2023 February



Rob Maynard

2023 February

"Mr Altinoglu's approach to the Franck symphony is a relatively direct one ... Notwithstanding those timings, this is a performance that does not sound over-hurried as such. Rather, it is generally brisk, tightly constructed and consistently focused ... The performances of those two [other] works are just as well thought-out as that of the symphony and just as impressive in their delivery ... After this auspicious debut release, I will certainly look forward to hearing more from Mr Altinoglu and his Frankfurt orchestra".


d. 21. June 2005


d. 21. June 2005


d. 6. Sep. 2004


d. 6. Sep. 2004


d. 9. July 2001


d. 9. July 2001

BBC music magazine

2020 July



Roger Nichols (musikanmelder)

2020 July

"After the symphony's initially cold reception it seemed unlikely to survive, but it has, and this performance does much to explain why ... Under the baton of Mikko Franck ... breathe it does, without in any way disrupting the music's logic. Grandeur there is in plenty, but also light-heartedness ... This honest, impassioned performance imbues it with a surprising power. Integrity also shines through the playing of the symphonic poem 'Ce qu'on entend sur la montagne'".


2020 mai



Paul de Louit

2020 mai

Fono Forum

2020 August



Andreas Friesenhagen

2020 August

"César Francks 'Ce quón entend sur la montagne' gilt als die erste sinfonische Dichtung überhaupt ... Schön dass Mikko Franck diese Rarität neben der Sinfonie d-Moll aufs Programm gesetzt hat. Pathetische an der Musik seines Namensvetters keineswegs, wirkt aber bei der Sinfonie, bei der man ja gut vergleichen kann, nur mässig spektakulär".

Fono Forum

2007 April



Ho. Ar.

2007 April

"Plegt das Ensemble heute einen dunkel-samtigen Orchesterklang mit betörend schön klingenden Bläsersolisten. Geblieben ist die Transparenz, die selbst die opulenten Partituren der beiden vorliegenden sinfonischen Schlachtrösser akustisch präzise nachzeichnet".

BBC music magazine

2007 January



Roger Nichols (musikanmelder)

2007 January

"Marek Janowski draws on all his operatic experiences to make the melodic lines live and sing. Everything has a shape and a colour ... I have no doubt that the power and refinement of this splendid recording - available in excellent SACD - should bring it a wide audience".

The gramophone

2006 April



Edward Greenfield

2006 April

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Excellent new version of the Franck Symphony, the most important orchestral work by the greatest of Belgian composers ... It may come as a surprise to find what a refined body the Liège Orchestra is under Louis Langrée".

The gramophone

2020 July



Tim Ashley

2020 July

"The Symphony gets a fine performance here. Franck understands its logic and tensions, its balance between weight and elegance, its Wagnerian overtones and moments of sensuousness. The orchestral sound is dark yet clear ... Franck balances immediacy with pace and proportion ... The playing has great richness and fervour, with the woodwind and brass particularly fine in both works".

International record review

2007 February



Richard Whitehouse

2007 February

"Marek Janowski, whose credentials in French symphonic music are well established and who here secures readings as vital as they are unaffected ... Sound is well balanced if a little lacking in spaciousness ... For now, Janowski's lucid and idiomatic accounts are self-recommending".

The gramophone

2023 April



Christian Hoskins

2023 April

"At 35 minutes, Altinoglu's account [of Franck's Symphony in D minor] is the fastest interpretation of the symphony I've heard ... but the result has a freshness and energy that's compelling ... The album concludes with an urgent and exciting account of Franck's 1882 symphonic poem "Le chasseur maudit". Alpha's finely engineered recording allows Franck's scoring in all three works to be heard with admirable balance and clarity".


2023 mars



Gilles Saint Arroman

2023 mars

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