Music / rock


Reviews (2)





Brian O'Neill


"The jazzy drumming and clean guitar that go on for most of "Ol'e Nessie" is a Southern-sounding sprawl that could be the Allmans if the brothers bludgeoned with the "Whipping Post" instead of just tying folks up to it. Even though their homeland's influence is more subtle the rest of the way, it's still there if you look beneath the Sab-Stooge-Motörhead Gristle, and that, along with the technical ecstasy, helps make Mastodon stand out amongst a ton of other post-Man's Ruin Stonehenge rockers".


d. 15. Sep. 2002



Brad Haywood

d. 15. Sep. 2002

"Like their metal peers, Mastodon sport some mathematics. But where Meshuggah get deep into calculus and Dillinger Escape Plan prefer trigonometry, these guys enjoy the more accessible stuff-- we're talking pre-algebra here. They drop in just enough to keep the arrangements flavorful, but not so much as to overload the vintage guitar riffs with Dream Theater-like complexity. And then they counterbalance it with some nice, old-fashioned, Sabbath-style metal attitude: guitars crunch, wail, and burn. The complete package sounds timeless, but in that unbelievable way that you've never heard before".