Music / renæssance -> 1600

Responsoria, 1611

Reviews (17)


d. 14. May 2013



Jens Povlsen

d. 14. May 2013

"Det engelske vokalensemble Tenebrae ... får en masse godt ud af Gesualdos "Tenebrae-responsorier". Gesualdo skrev påskeresponsorierne, lige inden barokken slog igennem, og han får lagt stemmerne smukt op ad hinanden i sin tætte polyfoni. Mindre elegant, men aldeles medrivende og kontrært med sine vokale chokeffekter. En helt anden, åbenlys skønhed breder sig i den jævnaldrende Tomás Luis de Victorias lamentationer, som koret ganske velgørende afrunder med".


d. 30. Mar. 2013



Thomas Michelsen

d. 30. Mar. 2013

"Et udvalg af Gesualdos påskeresponsorier. Her får man renhed og ekspressivitet svøbt i en generøs, men ikke svømmende kirkeefterklang. Sangerne under dirigent Nigel Short er lidt flere end 9 - faktisk 16 i alt - og de opnår på én og samme gang kraft og kontrol i udtrykket. Balance og egalitet er det trygge underlag, der tillader lytteren uforstyrret at opleve musikkens raffinementer ... Dette er blæret vellyd".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 16. Feb. 2005


d. 16. Feb. 2005

BBC music magazine

2013 June



Anthony Pryer

2013 June

"Vurdering: BBC music choral song choice" - "This is the Tenebrae ensemble singing the Responsories associated with the Tenebrae period. There have been several fine recordings of these items ... but this one excels, partly because it gets exactly right the balance between the mannered, madrigalesque features of the music and the eerie drama and morbidity of the religious story ... Nigel Short's superb musical sensitivity to phrasing and texture illuminates everything".

Fono Forum

2013 Juni



Richard Lorber

2013 Juni

"Vurdering: Empfehlungen des Monats" - "Man merkt dem 16-köpfigen Ensemble Tenebrae an, mit welcher Leidenschaft und Sorgfält es sich dieser für heutige Ohren einfach nur schönen Musik hingeben kann".

BBC music magazine

2014 July



Anthony Pryer

2014 July

"Vurdering: BBC music choral song choice" - "This new recording by La Compagnia del Madrigale surpasses all others. The singers not only reveal the depths of Gesualdo's emotional understanding, but also his formal, harmonic and textural control ... La Compagnia del Madrigale are sensitive to every word of the text as well as to every note of the music. All in all, a superb recital".

BBC music magazine

2014 January



Anthony Pryer

2014 January

"The choir makes a careful distinction between those pieces that depict events, and those that meditate upon them ... Herreweghe also coaxes some very expressive moments from the choir (the dark glitter of the low voices in Aestimatus sum is magical)".

Fono Forum

2014 Februar



Matthias Hengelbrock

2014 Februar

"Herreweghe anstrebt eine grösstmögliche Homogenität. Er fängt die Dissonanzen gewissermassen in einem weiche Ensembleklang und einer geschmeidigen Linienführung auf. Dynamische, artikulatorische und auch agogische Kontraste bleiben durchaus vernehmbar, werden dem Hörer aber nicht um die Ohren geschlagen. Ob Gesualdo das so gewollt hat, lässt sich kaum sagen; die ästetische Qualität ist allerdings nicht von der Hand zu weisen".


d. 19. Apr. 2000


d. 19. Apr. 2000


d. 23. Apr. 2000


d. 23. Apr. 2000


d. 18. Apr. 2000


d. 18. Apr. 2000

The gramophone

2013 June



Fabrice Fitch

2013 June

"Tenebrae's fondness for a monumental sound, achieved with a comparatively small number of singers, is part of a noticeable development of recent years. It certainly focuses the ear on dramatic shaping ... From that standpoint, their choice of Gesualdo's Tenebrae Responsories for Holy Saturday plays to their strengths".

International record review

2013 June



Marc Rochester

2013 June

"Carlo Gesualdo is being well served by the CD industry in this, the 400th anniversary year of his death. It is doubtful, however, that his music is ever going to be as beautifully sung or as lusciously presented as it is here by Nigel Short's outstanding Tenebrae ... I would be very, very surprised. If perfection is attainable (which I doubt), we get very close to it here ... While these singers revel in the elegance and logic of Victoria, they positively glow in the dramatic and arresting idioms of Gesualdo".


2014 mai



Gaëtan Naulleau

2014 mai

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".

International record review

2014 July/August



Carl Rosman

2014 July/August

"For the most part the lines are beautifully sustained, with no exaggerated leaning into dissonances or harmonic ruptures ... This is undeniably a valid standpoint and certainly an asset in its own way but it takes a little while to attune the listening ear to the benefits of this approach".

International record review

2014 March



Carl Rosman

2014 March

"Herreweghe's group is rather smaller than it sounds. Although ... the sound is unmistakably a choral one ... Herreweght does not always find an ideal flow for this music. Tempo and phrasing here are, to be fair, no easy matter".

The gramophone

2014 February



Fabrice Fitch

2014 February

"To the music's overt drama Philippe Herreweghe responds with a typically more measured controlled performance, so one may say that the performance is cooler than the music ... In short, both recordings [Herreweghe, Hilliards (ECM)] will have their admirers; and if my preference goes to Hilliards, it should be said that the set is one of their most impressive achievements".