Music / opera


Reviews (3)

BBC music magazine

2014 June



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2014 June

"The two men ... both sing and speak French perfectly. Unfortunately, although Katarina Karnéus is on lively, lovely form, her French when singing is almost indecipherable ... The singers make a great team, but what makes it so much fun is Mark Elder's immersion in the work, which sounds almost as if it was Haydn on top form ... My one reservation apart, this is an ideal production".

The gramophone

2014 July



Hugo Shirley

2014 July

"Christopher Maltman is appropriately confident and forceful. There could be a bit more in the way of bel canto elegance ... put the action across vividly, in excellent sung and spoken French".

International record review

2014 July/August



John T. Hughes

2014 July/August

"Most recordings have been sung in Italian, but the original French is adopted here ... Mark Elder propels the score with liveliness, rushing nothing, pushing nothing, so that the work is given the light touch that it needs".