Music / musikdvd-video


Reviews (10)

The guardian

d. 18. Nov. 2021



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 18. Nov. 2021

"Sadko follows on from Tcherniakov's outstanding Brussels production of Tsar Saltan by giving pictorial elements from the folksy designs that have been traditional in Russian stagings of Rimsky's operas for more than a century an up-to-date psychological twist ... This treatment preserves the opera's world of fairytale enchantment, adding an extra layer of seriousness, even if it still can't disguise some of the dramatic longueurs. It's all very decently sung, too - Nazhmiddin Mavlyanov is tireless in the title role - though there's probably a bit more lustre in Rimsky's scoring than the Bolshoi orchestra finds under Timur Zangiev".

MusicWeb international

2022 March



Mike Parr (musikanmelder)

2022 March

"The operas of Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov seem to be enjoying a period of exposure ... Dmitri Tcherniakov's production continues along a similar path that he charted in Snegurochka. Trying to blend a traditional staging in the broader sense; but updating the characters to a modern-era look and motivation. This approach worked generally quite well in the Snegurochka, but falls somewhat short in Sadko ... The constant hyperactive, party-boy antics that he inflicts on Sadko quickly become both distracting and wearying ... Vocally things are fairly impressive throughout. The star of the show is undoubtedly Nazhmiddin Mavlyanov's Sadko ... Timur Zangiev leads a lively performance of the score with due attention to subtle nuances. The Bolshoi Orchestra and Chorus are in resplendent form".

MusicWeb international

2022 February



Roy Westbrook

2022 February

"Rimsky-Korsakov's opera Sadko draws on Russian folk tales and is set in the 13th century ... Director of this production is Dmitri Tcherniakov, who ... treats all this design history ironically ... Rimsky's fine musical summation here is thus rather undersold. There is a very strong cast. As Sadko, Nazhmiddin Mavlyanov is tireless (he is hardly offstage), his tenor reliable and robust rather than especially ingratiating in timbre ... The Volkhova of Aida Garifullina is most impressive, her attractive soprano voice intelligently used ... The Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra plays well for the young Russian conductor Timur Zangiev ... If you are not allergic to Tcherniakov's manner, this has much to commend it, not least some fine singing".


d. 15. Aug. 2007



John Christiansen

d. 15. Aug. 2007


d. 24. Oct. 2006



Jan Jacoby

d. 24. Oct. 2006

Operabladet Ascolta

(2006) 25. årgang nr. 4



Henrik Marcussen

(2006) 25. årgang nr. 4

BBC music magazine

2022 January



Christopher Cook (musikanmelder)

2022 January

"Nazhmiddin Mavlyanov is a sturdy Sadko, scarcely ever off the stage ... Rightly, the solo for the Varangian Merchant (Dmitry Ulianov) who will accompany Sadko on his voyages stops the show. But it's Rimsky's sparkling score that really shines and the luxuriant tone painting of a master orchestrator with the Bolshoi orchestra under Timur Zangiev give it their best best".


2022 juin



Didier van Moere

2022 juin

The gramophone

2022 January



Marina Frolova-Walker

2022 January

"Tscherniakov uses his trademark device: the whole spextacle is a modern reality show, falling somewhere between 'Dragons' Den' and 'Love Island' ... Sadko himself, in trousers, shirt and jumper, looks as if he has just wandered in from the street ... Nazhmiddin Mavlyanov is reliably sonorous ... Garifullina as the erotically charged Volkhova is never less than impressive ... Semenchuk as Lyubava is vocally irresistible throughout and creates the only truly sympathetic character. There is plenty of great singing from secondary characters too ... and the Bolshoi orchestra and chorus under Timur Zangiev form a solid ensemble throughout ... Some will be amused, some irritated, but a description will surely enliven any dinner conversation".

Fono Forum

2022 März



Manuel Brug

2022 März

"Tscherniakov inszeniert das als grosse Disney-Revueshow mit Treppe und Tentakeln, Quallen, Tiefseeflosslern und Seepferdchen. So wie sein zeitgenössisch gewandeter und denkender Held (Nazhmiddin Mavlyanov singt ihn mit sehnsuchtvollem Ton) aus einem imaginären Folklorethemenpark mit naiven Kulissen ... Aida Garifullina singt mit cremigem Sopran ... Die muttchenhafte Ljubawa verkörpert kraftvoll Ekaterina Sementchuk ... Das zarte, mal märchenhafte, mal schmunzelnd satirisch Netz von Rimskis Anspielungen auf schwerfällige Folkloreballaden ... dirigiert Timur Zangiev mit den souveränen Bolschoi-Klangkollektiven so sinnig wie sinnlich".