Music / solosang

Schubertiade : Du holde kunst, ich danke dir

Reviews (4)

DR musik

2016 uge 46



Jens Cornelius

2016 uge 46

"Vurdering: Ugens album" - "Schubertiade er en koncert, hvor man spiller musik af Schubert eller mødes i Schuberts ånd om at spille og synge sammen. Sådan en schubertiade kan man høre på Ugens Album ... De fire schubertiader på Ugens Album er smukt sammensatte programmer, hvor genrer og formater er blandet ... Sangere og musikere fra Immerseels ensemble Anima Aeterna mødes på kryds og tværs, præcis som kredsen omkring Schubert gjorde det. Med så god musik og så dygtige musikere er det noget af det bedste selskab, man kan tænke sig".

MusicWeb international

2016 July



Jens F. Laurson

2016 July

"Recording of the month: There's not a dull minute; the switching from chamber music to piano duo to song to (male) vocal quartet (!) is delightful, because it's both natural and very much not done anymore, in the strictly regimented, often sadly boring, nothing-daring monoculture of classical recitals. I'd lament how much I should have liked to be present at these four concerts, but then playing these discs really comes very close to it ... I love everything about it. Or, as I said: Delightful!".

Fono Forum

2016 Februar



Werner Pfister

2016 Februar

"Der Bariton Thomas Bauer kommt über ein gepflegtes, etwas eintöniges Liedersingen kaum heraus, und die Sopranistin Yeree Suh wartet zwar mit glockenreinem Gesang ... Grossartig hingegen die Mezzosopranistin Marianne Beate Kielland ... mit Begleitung eines Vokalquartetts. Überhaupt ist die Berücksichtigung von Vokalquartetten einer der programmatischen Vorzüge dieser Schubertiaden - selten gehörte Musik in vorzüglichen Ensembleleistungen".

The gramophone

2016 February



Hugo Shirley

2016 February

"On each of the set's four discs Immerseel presents an imagined Schubertiad, but is not attempting historical reconstructions ... There are some wonderful vocal quartets ... sensitively sung by baritone Bauer ... and his colleagues ... It's great too, to have a good batch of piano duet pieces ... Steffano Veggetti is seductively sweettoned on his 1750 violoncello piccolo ... and Midori Weiler similarly appealing [on] violin ... Immerseel is perhaps at his best in the song accompaniments ... This set offers a great deal to enjoy".