Music / renæssance -> 1600


Reviews (12)

The observer

d. 31. Jan. 2016



Fiona Maddocks

d. 31. Jan. 2016

"The Sixteen perform music of composers born four centuries apart, both persecuted for their religious faith ... In each case their choral writing has a simplicity and intensity, perfectly suited to the blended sound of the Sixteen".

MusicWeb international

2018 March



Brian Wilson (musikanmelder)

2018 March

"It was from recordings made by King's under David Willcocks that, like many others, I got to know Byrd's music ... The new King's recording compares well both with earlier King's recordings and with other cathedral and collegiate choirs ... The music of the English composers of the earlier renaissance may appeal with its more spectacular vocal gymnastics, but Byrd's music with its slightly plainer style, like the later music of his mentor Tallis, has its own appeal in performances of this quality ... This latest in the series of King's recordings on their own label is very successful and would make as wonderful an introduction to Byrd as the Willcocks LPs did in their day".


d. 10. Oct. 2002


d. 10. Oct. 2002

BBC music magazine

2018 September



Paul Riley (musikanmelder)

2018 September

"Stephen Cleobury stakes his claim on a clutch of Latin motets artfully arranged to chart the onward march of the liturgical year. It's a neat idea, though not without some musical drawbacks ... Perhaps some of it is exacerbated by Cleobury's often driven direction - as if to distance himself from the Willcocks tradition".

BBC music magazine

2016 April



Terry Blain

2016 April

"It's a deceptively easy-looking piece on the page, but keeping its halting, minimalist ground-rhythm pulsing meaningfully, and building the slow-burn crescendo over several minutes requires levels of technical proficiency. That, of course, is what The Sixteen majors in, and its performance combines a scrupulous accuracy with a pregnant sense of ritual ans comtemplative mystery".

Fono Forum

2016 Juni



Marcus Stäbler

2016 Juni

"Vurdering: Empfehlungen des Monats" - "Ach, ist das herrlich. Sich von diesem Klang umarmen und vereinnahmen zu lassen. Er ist reich und zugleich transparent, kompakt und hell - ganz so, wie man ihn über 35 Jahren vom britischen Vokalensemble The Sixteen kennt ... So wirkt die Begegnung von Renaissance und Gegenwart hier ganz schlüssig - auch dank der Mischung aus Ruhe und grossen Spannungsbögen, mit der Christophers die spirituelle Kraft der Musik und den betörenden Klang seines Kammerchores entfaltet".

The gramophone

2018 May



Edward Breen

2018 May

"The Choir of King's College, Cambridge, and the Renaissance composer William Byrd are undeniably icons of English music. It is a delight, therefore, to hear them united in these surprisingly exuberant performances ... Throughout this disc, Cleobury opts for an upfront expressivity quite at odds with that classic, old King's sound, leading to some very exciting moments ... The sound of the horal scholars - fuller, richer and bolder than ever before - pays many dividends".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 11. Nov. 2002


d. 11. Nov. 2002

Berlingske tidende

d. 4. Jan. 2003


d. 4. Jan. 2003

The gramophone

2016 March



Alexandra Coghlan

2016 March

"Those favouring sonic beauty above all else will find The Deer's Cry an essential addition. Larger forces and fuller voices give The Sixteen a textural depth Stile Antico and The Tallis Scholars neither seek nor attain, thickening the sound without obscuring the architectural workings of these complex pieces of polyphony ... It's hard to wish greater restraint of such glorious singing".

The gramophone

2006 May



John Steane

2006 May

"A choir who [can] sing with the splendour, intelligence and assurance we hear from it in this recital: Surely, on this showing, one of the country's best ... The programme is well chosen to illustrate different aspects of Byrd's mastery ... It is a superb record".