Music / nonfiction / dokumentarfilm

Solti : journey of a lifetime

Reviews (3)


2013, nr. 47



Jörgen Lundmark

2013, nr. 47

"Filmen ger en utmärkt överblick av Soltis karriär och sätter den i relief till ett kringflackande och rotlöst vuxenliv. Det skulle dock ha behövts mer analys och förklaring till vad som gjorde dirigenten så speciell. Man stannar vid att konstatera den okuvliga arbetsförmågan och sökandet efter perfektion".

BBC music magazine

2013 May



Michael Scott Rohan

2013 May

"Talking heads opine that Solti's career only soared after Böhm retired and Karajan died ... It does provide some remarkable anecdotes ... such as Solti becoming great cronies with Theodor Adorno ... Most significantly, though, this also includes a solid sample of everyday Solti ... What we don't get ... is any analysis of the types of music Solti was best and worst at ... That's a documentary yet to come".

The gramophone

2013 January



Jeremy Nicholas

2013 January

"Georg Wübbolst's film celebrates the 100th anniversary of Solti's birth ... settles into a deft, whistle-stop chronological survey of the great conductor's life and career. It was a tought journey to the top ... with the young Solti losing his parents, his name (György Stern) and his country ... Solti is a documentary director's dream ... there is always so much to look at even when he's sitting still ... There is much skilfully sequenced archive footage ... even if the director finds it hard to linger on his subject doing what he did best".