Music / kor

Stabat mater

Reviews (21)

The guardian

d. 15. June 2017



Erica Jeal

d. 15. June 2017

"Bělohlávek's performance is masterful in its pacing ... There's a spacious, burnished quality to the sound, the orchestra's dark-timbred strings and emollient, airborne flutes; the choir all warmth and substance, even if one could occasionally wish it a touch more incisive. The four soloists fit their differing roles well ... It's a moving farewell [to Bělohlávek]".

DR musik

2017 [uge 31]



Jens Povlsen, Max Fage-Pedersen

2017 [uge 31]

"Ugens album: Værket rummer det hele, og med masser af sorg og volumen ... At Stabat Mater var et personligt anliggende for Dvorák, fornemmes tydeligt. Han mistede en datter Josefa som døde bare to dage gammel ... På Ugens Album bliver dramaet holdt i live af et stærkt hold af musikere og sangere, der giver fortvivlelsen luft, men aldrig lader den kamme over ... En varm, dramatisk engageret fortolkning af Dvoráks værk".

Presto classical

d. 12. May 2017



Katherine Cooper

d. 12. May 2017

"Presto disc of the week: This is a wonderfully idiomatic account which really bears out a remark Bělohlávek once made about the `singing art of playing [Dvořák]' ... He captures the work's strange synthesis of baroque influences and Verdian grandeur without overegging the pudding in either direction ... All in all, this is surely set to become both an award-winner and a benchmark choice for this work".

MusicWeb international

2015 December



Michael Cookson

2015 December

"Vurdering: Recording of the month" - "As I have come to expect from Jansons he has chosen a strong quartet of international soloists. By far the most successful voice is that of outstanding German tenor Christian Elsner. He gives a rock solid account - one of irrefutable reverence ... There are not enough superlatives to describe the responsive performance of the orchestra who provide selfless playing of high integrity ... [and] the Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks in quite radiant form. They are expressively secure".

BBC music magazine

2013 September



Jan Smaczny

2013 September

"Herreweghe's tempo in the epic first movement is relatively brisk, which makes its central section seem slightly rushed. Pity, since the soloists are excellent and the choral sound is nicely focused".

Fono Forum

2013 September



Marcus Stäbler

2013 September

"Vurdering: Tipp" - "Der flämische Maestro besetzt sein Collegium Vocale mit 60 Sängern - und formt mit dem Ensemble, wie so oft, ein durchsichtiges und gleichzeitig weiches Klangbild ... Durch seinen transparenten Ansatz meidet Herreweghe jene Kitschgefahr ... Dem schlanken Zugriff schliessen sich auch das Orchester und die Solisten an. Alle vier Sänger pflegen einen eher hellen Klang ... Vor allem der Sopranistin Ilse Eerens gelingen dabei einige magische Momente".

BBC music magazine

2017 November



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2017 November

"They bring a depth and richness of warm colours to a score still insufficiently appreciated ... Bělohlávek is the authoritative interpreter leading his forces through the piece with confidence and, crucially, keeping it moving ... The Czech Philharmonic Choir is tonally grand scale and is consistently fluent throughout the intricacy of the writing, while the quartet of soloists has no weak links".

Fono Forum

2017 August



Gerhard Persché

2017 August

"Seine [Bélohláveks] Interpretation ist in der Verbindung von musikalischer Sinnlichkeit und spiritueller Ergriffenheit meinem Empfinden nach kaum zu übertreffen. Dazu verfügt die Aufnahme mit Eri Nakamura, Elisabeth Kulman, Michael Spyres und Jongmin Park über ein fein ausgewogenes Solistenquartett, und der Chor singt schlichtweg grossartig. Jeder der fünf Sterne ist ehrlich verdient".

BBC music magazine

2012 December



Jan Smaczny

2012 December

"From nearly every point of view, this latest recording is disappointing. Most of the tempos are too fast ... Nor does the rather distantly recorded London Philharmonic Choir seem to be on a particularly good form ... All in all, this is not really a recommendable performance".


2016 janvier



Didier van Moere

2016 janvier

Fono Forum

2016 Juni



Werner Pfister

2016 Juni

"Schade, alles lässt sich so gut, ja einzigartig an. Wie Mariss Jansons den Beginn ... aus dem einen Ton entwickelt ... das alles ist herausragend, verdient fünf Bewertungssterne. Und der Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks unterstreicht diesen hervorragenden Eindruck mit fülligem Wohllaut - ein wahres Wunder an klangschönem, selbst im feinen Pianissimo hervorragend fokussiertem Chorgesang ... Bis der Tenor Christian Elsener seinen ersten Einsatz hat und damit die bisherigen Eindrücke gründlich zerstört".

International record review

2013 July/August



John Warrack

2013 July/August

"Herreweghe, abetted by intelligent recording, has clearly taken much trouble to make these [solo] voices blend with the Collegium Vocale Gent and also with Dvorak's beautifully sensitive orchestration".

The gramophone

2013 July



Malcolm Riley

2013 July

"Vurdering: Gramophone choice - Vurdering: Recording of the month" - "All of Herreweghe's performers clearly love this ravishing music, relishing every detail of this beautifully nuanced score ... The choral sound is warm and wide without any congestive blasting ... What is especially pleasing is the soloists' contribution. They really listen to each other and achieve a subtle blend ... This new release must be the top choice".


2017 juillet-août



Nicolas Derny

2017 juillet-août

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".

The gramophone

2017 June



Malcolm Riley

2017 June

"His [Bělohlávek] relaxed though steadfast approach is immediately apparent ... The Prague Philharmonic Choir's contributions are disciplined and impassioned ... The solo quartet ... are uniformly superb ... Bělohlávek perfectly judges the delicate balance between singers and orchestra".


d. 8. Feb. 2000


d. 8. Feb. 2000

High fidelity

2000 6


2000 6

The gramophone

2012 September



Malcolm Riley

2012 September

"Peter Rose's commanding resonance is full of warmth. Janice Watson floats with a beautiful ease ... From an orchestral point of view this performance is a triumph, with flawless playing. The LPO Choir also make an excellently incisive contribution. Jarvi's adoption of flowing (and occasionally brisk) tempi helps to drive the piece on ... An interpretation to savour".

Berlingske tidende

d. 25. Apr. 2001


d. 25. Apr. 2001

The gramophone

2016 March



Malcolm Riley

2016 March

"Under Jansons, the Bavarian Radio Chorus are in fine voice, crisp of enunciation and excellently balanced against the large orchestra [and] are joined by a distinguished solo quartet ... This live performance is excellent in all respects".