Music / kammermusik

String quintets

Reviews (12)

MusicWeb international

2017 January



Stephen Greenbank

2017 January

"The Quintets are richly scored and rank amongst the composer's finest chamber works ... These performances benefit from clear, rich sounding sonics. For those seeking a recording of the two Quintets played with conviction and authority, this release from Audite neatly fits the bill. I look forward eagerly to their recording of the two Sextets, which I gather is in the pipeline".

MusicWeb international

2017 June



Dave Billinge

2017 June

"Brahms wrote these works at the height of his powers in 1882 and 1890 ... The fact that these players work together in the fine WDR orchestra has probably done much to give a seamless quality to their ensemble, yet there is not a hint of restraint and the power and lyricism of Brahms String Quintets is given full expression ... I would judge this disc to be a necessary purchase for all lovers of late-romantic chamber music".





James Manheim


"The performance by the Hungarian-American Takács Quartet, whose Brahms performances have been uniquely well thought out and executed, strike a balance between the Viennese lyricism of the thematic material and its mind-boggling development. With the participation of violist Lawrence Power, these are performances of great clarity and at the same time great warmth, all rendered in sterling detail by Hyperion's team of engineers at Britain's Wyastone Estate. An exceptional Brahms recording".

BBC music magazine

2016 Christmas



Elinor Cooper

2016 Christmas

"The Mandelring Quartet, with viola player Roland Glassl, is a true team of equals. Its luscious, even sound is perfect for Brahms's rich quintets and shown to great advantage in this impeccably crisp recording".


2017 fevrier



Jean-Michel Molkhou

2017 fevrier

Fono Forum

2017 Februar



Marcus Stäbler

2017 Februar

"Insgesamt wirken die beiden Quintette hier etwas "klassischer" und weniger opulent als in anderen Aufnahmen, aber nicht minder mitreissend".

BBC music magazine

2009 November



Calum MacDonald

2009 November

"For sheer expressive refinement in these two under-rated and under-performed scores the Nash players don't quite, for me, knock the Leipzig Quartet with second violinist Hartmut Rohde off their perch, but this is a marvellous version, in superbly natural sound".

BBC music magazine

2017 July



Rebecca Franks

2017 July

"Here are warm and lively performances of Brahms's two string quintets from these excellent Cologne musicians. The F major Quintet is a product of spring, while Brahms intended the G major, dating from 1890, to be his last work".

BBC music magazine

2014 May



Stephen Johnson (f. 1955)

2014 May

"The Takács's Brahms is lie a superbly engineered road: we always know where we're going, and the views can be magnificent, but there are some interesting contours hidden beneath the tarmac".

International record review

2009 November



David Threasher

2009 November

"The Nash Ensemble are nothing less than the London regiment of chamber music's crack troops ... Both discs present joyful, compelling music in its best light; the Nash are recorded with a touch more immediacy".


2017 juin



Jean-Michel Molkhou

2017 juin

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".

The gramophone

2017 July



Andrew Farach-Colton

2017 July

"Whatever the WDR Chamber Players' tone may lack in grit is made up for in warmth and clarity ... The WDR musicians play with generous legato yet dig into the phrases in a way that draws one just as effectively into the music's rich texture ... The central Grave ed appassionato is unusually introspective, convincingly trading full-throated threnody for delicate wistfulness".