Music / rock

Strong feelings

Reviews (2)





Stephen Thomas Erlewine


"Strong Feelings is the strongest evidence of Paisley's skills as a craftsman, both as a writer and record-maker. He has a warm, husky voice and can construct sturdy, handsome songs, but the appeal of Strong Feelings is its ease, how the concise ten-song album feels fresh and familiar, its comfortableness not seeming easy but rather a smooth way to introduce his view. At times, Paisley seems a little beholden to tradition -- he prefers tastefully burnished settings to an un-sanded, spiky mess -- but he still has enough panache to give this a bit of resonance and that's what makes this record, which feels as if everybody involved wishes it was recorded in a cabin in 1975, rather charming".

The line of best fit

d. 7. Feb. 2014



Alan Davey

d. 7. Feb. 2014

"Doug Paisley's third solo outing Strong Feelings, finds him with a more up-beat and rhythmic band accompaniment than his self-titled debut and its follow up Constant Companion. Garth Hudson of The Band provides keyboards, and Mary Margaret O'Hara makes a couple of delightfully impressionistic vocal appearances, alongside many other stalwarts of the Toronto music scene. The sound that emerges has one foot firmly in the best singer songwriter sounds of the 60s and 70s but what emerges is real and vibrant and contemporary".

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