Music / klassiske symfonier

Symphony no. 1, op. 26

Reviews (12)

MusicWeb international

2018 September



Michael Cookson

2018 September

"Prometheus is an unconventional and complex work where glowing passages of delicate beauty are opposed by tense dissonance and gnarled harmonies. There's a special authority to Petrenko's conducting, maintaining a robust forward course from the first note to the last, in a work saturated with swirling orchestral colours. Gerstein produces the elevated level of performance to which I have become accustomed ... Competition in the catalogue for recordings of Prometheus is strong but Petrenko makes a strong case with this stunning account ... Rounding off a valuable Scriabin series, these performances from Vasily Petrenko and Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra are top-drawer and deserve inclusion in any serious collection".

Presto classical

d. 21. Sep. 2018



Katherine Cooper

d. 21. Sep. 2018

"Recording of the week: The lion's share of the solo work in [the First Symphony] falls to the woodwind, and the principal clarinettist who so impressed James in the orchestra's recording of the Second Symphony is the star of the show once again in the Tristanesque stretches of the long third movement in particular ... The Oslo Philharmonic Choir sing with such conviction that even Scriabin's slightly toe-curling purple prose about the transcendent nature of art comes across with a certain dignity ... Petrenko brings often astonishing clarity to a score which can easily seem overblown".


d. 24. July 2015



Jens Povlsen

d. 24. July 2015

"Det er usædvanlig smuk musik, der trænger sig på i Skrjabins 1. Symfoni ... Dirigent og orkester er forrygende poetiske og fulde af menneskelig ømhed. De beåndede, søgende satser præges mere af en flimrende drømmestemning end af lidenskab, og præcis sådan udfolder Pletnev dem ... Le Poème de l'extase forlænger gnisten med sin kuldegysende skønhed, der virker som et nedslag af både mørke og forløsning".

BBC music magazine

2015 November



Daniel Jaffé

2015 November

"There is a good deal which is captivating in Mikhail Pletnev's excellent performance: in the thistledown Scherzo, the Russian National Orchestra demonstates polished and tight ensemble playing for the lively main tempo ... [In Poem of Ecstasy] Pletnev's relatively unhurried performance makes the two climaxes all the more powerful, Vladislav Lavrik's trumpet adding a certain masochistic edge with its cries of ecstatic pain".


2015 novembre



Nicolas Derny

2015 novembre

Fono Forum

2015 Oktober



Giselher Schubert

2015 Oktober

"Das alles is phänomenal interpretiert!".


2016, nr. 66



Gunnar Lanzky-Otto

2016, nr. 66

"Skrjabins första symfoni från 1899-1900 är en kanske lite väl lång men ofta vansinnigt vacker historia ... Underskattat verk, väl värt att lära känna för den med rätt sinnelag ... Den största poängen med Pletnevs nya version är att den är så välsjungen, inte minst av kören. Men många fina orkesterdetaljer presenteras också, tolkningen är klart hörvärd".

BBC music magazine

2018 December



Geoff Brown (musikanmelder)

2018 December

"In these vivid interpretations, drawn from live performances, Petrenko and his superb Oslo orchestra clearly sympathise with both ends of the spectrum, though it's the wild and woolly Prometheus, much enlivened by Kirill Gerstein's almost jazzy solo piano, that really gets the blood racing. The First Symphony contain its own extravaganza in the vocal finale ... Petrenko shapes such details with great finesse ... Precision, transparency, and, when it's warranted, sweltering heat".


2019 février



Christophe Huss

2019 février


2019, nr. 52



Esben Tange (f. 1961)

2019, nr. 52

"Den unge Skrjabin har en forkærlighed for ensomt klingende blæsere, der giver musikken et længselsdrag, og i kombination med en urolig puls har vi at gøre med en musik, der trods skønhedsdyrkelse bevidst søger en udsat position. I Oslo Filharmonikerne og deres russiske chefdirigent Vasily Petrenko, der med dette tredje album har indspillet alle Skrjabins vigtigste orkesterværker, har denne musik fundet sine rette moderne advokater. Petrenko er en dynamisk dirigent og en dygtig klangmager, og det norske eliteorkester følger ham i en grad, så de sjælfulde melodier går lige i hjertet".

The gramophone

2015 August



Geoffrey Norris

2015 August

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "[Pletnev] has an innate feel for the symphony's and The Poem of Ecstasy's shape and colour, by no means afraid to let rip when full instrumental forces are in play but also well aware that Scriabin could use his palette of timbres with telling discretion ... These are performances in which you sense that the RNO and all the artists involved have this music coursing through their very veins".

The gramophone

2018 November



David Gutman

2018 November

"The First Symphony, a fin de siècle charmer in six movements, is no longer a rarity. It has its longueurs so Petrenko keeps them at bay ... Never discursive or splashy, Petrenko's forensic view of the composer may not please those brought up on Soviet-era music-making but I found it very persuasive".