Music / opera

The bartered bride

Reviews (7)

Fono Forum

2012 August



Gerhard Persché

2012 August

"Vurdering: Empfehlung des Monats" - "Wie immer geht er [Harnoncourt] an Grenzen: Schnelles wird sehr, sehr schnell, Langsames gelegentlich fast zu langsam, bleibt aber trotzdem grandios. Maries grosse Weltschmerz-Arie begleitet der Dirigent so einfühlsam, wie man es kaum je hört, und Dorothea Röschmann porträtiert die Figur auch unglaublich berührend, mit runder, voller Stimme ... Ein Präzedenzfall für künftige Interpretationen".


2012 septembre



Rémy Louis

2012 septembre

Operabladet Ascolta

(2009) 28. årgang nr. 3



Henrik Marcussen

(2009) 28. årgang nr. 3

BBC music magazine

2012 December



Daniel Nice

2012 December

"This performance ... displays tighter orchestral ensemble and a strong Czech cast. The slimlined BBC Symphony Orchestra adapts admirable to Jiri Belahlavek's blend of rustic cheerfulness and Wagnerian hues".

The gramophone

2012 September



Richard Lawrence

2012 September

"Nikolaus Harnoncourt starts promisingly with a lively Overture ... But elsewhere, Harnoncourt seeks to impose on this charming descendant of Zar und Zimmermann and Martha a weight it cannot bear ... These ponderous speeds affect the singers ... The DVD is a semi-staging on part of an old fairground ride. The characters sing without scores but of course movement is restricted".

International record review

2012 November



Hugh Canning

2012 November

"Vurdering: IRR outstanding" - "This new version ... needs to be special to compete. It is ... None [of the singers], I suspect, will be a household name outside the Czech-speaking nations, and yet they bring this wonderful, heart-rending and joyous opera into our homes ... with a verve and immediacy that I find completely captivating ... Certainly, the soloist's authentic national spirit appears to have infected the BBC Singers and the players of the BBC Symphony Orchestra ... I haven't enjoyed an opera recording as much all year".

The gramophone

2012 December



David Patrick Stearns

2012 December

"Belohlavek ... has something of Wolfgang Sawallisch's temperament: intelligent, alert but observing the music from an objective mid-distance ... He's at odds with this opera's folksy tale ... Even chestnuts such as the famous Overture lack that extra edge of vitality often heard elsewhere ... Aside from Dana Buresova, who comes to the role of Marenka as a Smetana specialist whose every phrase has a ring of truth, much of the rest of this restrained cast comes off as second-string voices".