Music / klassiske symfonier

The firebird

Reviews (16)

The guardian

d. 29. Mar. 2012



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 29. Mar. 2012

"The fine grain of the recording ensures that nothing in this remarkable score is missed; the Bergen orchestra really is a very fine ensemble these days. Yet too often it's hard to believe that this is a work that was intended for the theatre; there's little sense of drama or cumulative tension".

Classics today

d. 6. Sep. 2010



David Hurwitz

d. 6. Sep. 2010

"There's a certain lack of depth to the basses, and we miss that rich, Slavic timbre to the women's voices that we find in the best Eastern European choirs (above all Ancerl's). Still, this is a very good performance by any standard, and the sonics are impressively natural. If the coupling suits, then don't hesitate".

The observer

d. 23. Dec. 2018



Fiona Maddocks

d. 23. Dec. 2018

"Two fairytale works by a revered Russian master and his genius student - Rimsky-Korsakov's Le Coq d'or suite (1907) and Stravinsky's The Firebird (1910) - make a rich pairing in the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra's disc, with its chief conductor, St Petersburg-born Vasily Petrenko. Composed a few years apart, these works demonstrate Rimsky's brilliance as an orchestrator and Stravinsky's debt, for all his radicalism, to the Russian tradition. The playing is voluptuous, alive and controlled: lurching, low brass ... , gleaming, rumbustious woodwind ... , strings scurrying and sparkling ... Brilliance of detail and narrative drive have to be held in perfect balance in Firebird. Petrenko and the RLPO, expert in both, achieve this here".

Presto classical

d. 14. Dec. 2018



Katherine Cooper

d. 14. Dec. 2018

"Recording of the week: There's certainly nothing hackneyed about their new album of Stravinsky and Rimsky-Korsakov, and as with previous projects their affinity with this repertoire is writ large in every bar. The pairing is an intriguing one, consisting of two early twentieth-century works depicting corrupt leaders who come a cropper thanks to a magical bird ... The sound-worlds of the two pieces are as strikingly similar as the stories which inspired them, with shimmering strings and glittering brass and high percussion conjuring an atmosphere of exoticism and enchantment, and Petrenko's acute ear for balance ensures that every magical detail registers ... The clean, spare textures reminded me more than ever of the kinship between The Firebird and Petrushka or even The Rake's Progress".

BBC music magazine

2012 May



Christopher Dingle

2012 May

"The playing on this disc from Andrew Litton and the Bergen Philharmonic is in many ways marvellous, with a good sense of pace throughout much of the ballet. Recorded sound is sensational, especially in surround ... The caveat, though, is that ... there is much excellent music-making but not such convincing drama".

BBC music magazine

2011 December



Christopher Dingle

2011 December

"Roth drives the music with a sure touch for dramatic pacing to ensure it's more magical Firebird than undercocked turkey. The recording is audibly live, but that is a small price to pay for capturing Les Siècles in full flight".

BBC music magazine

2013 May



Christopher Dingle

2013 May

"As for the performances, these are polished and duly exciting ... As an imaginative introduction to the world of the ballets, this is a welcome set".

Fono Forum

2013 April



Giselher Schubert

2013 April

"Vurdering: Tipp" - "Die Interpretationen bestecken einerseits durch eine ungewöhnlich prägnante Klangschärfung ... Und anderseits gelingt es Sokhiev, durch eine überlegen vorgenommene, genau auf die Art der Rhytmik abgestimmte Tempogestaltung die bezwingenden Eindrücke von starr-ritueller Archaik und naturhaft wucherndem klangrausch zu verschränken: zu einem nachgerade überwältigenden Musikerlebnis".

BBC music magazine

2019 February



David Nice

2019 February

"There's an exoticism in the ballerina's eastern pleading that connects her directly with the wily Queen of Shemakha; and in terms of the performances, spectacularly characterful Liverpool woodwind connects the two [Le Coq d'Or Suite] ... [In] The Firebird ... hell's let loose in perfectly-balanced uproar. The brass at their most outlandish ricochet off the walls of Liverpool's Philharmonic Hall, go glissando-crazy as in no other recording I know, and help to make the Infernal Dance as thrilling as it can be ... This is demonstration-quality sound for a very fine orchestra".


2019 janvier



Christophe Huss

2019 janvier

The gramophone

2012 June



John Warrack

2012 June

"Litton allows [The Firebird] more delicacy than some of its later interpreters, to its great advantage in such moments as the very opening ... If Kashchey has sounded more formidable in the hands of others (including the composer himself), Litton gives the old sorcerer a spectral quality that is at least as sinister. It is all beautifully played, not least thanks to a woodwind section of players who really listen to one another".

The gramophone

2011 December



John Warrack

2011 December

"What we have is an excellently played, brightly recorded performance of the ballet, conducted with verve by François-Xavier Roth ... Well worth hearing".


2010, nr. 18



Jens Povlsen

2010, nr. 18

"Begge værker er et orgie i orkesterlyd, og Nelsons er bestemt ikke nærig med farverne. Særligt står den uhyggelige åbning af Ildfuglen mere distinkt og ildevarslende, end man er vant til at høre".

The gramophone

2013 February



Rob Cowan (f. 1948)

2013 February

"Sokhiev's Rite of Spring takes heed of the work's many textural contrasts, with plenty of bite and bounce from the strings in the 'Mystical Circles of the Young Girls' and darkly wailing lower strings in 'Spring Rounds' ... I'd call it a driven performance rather than especially elemental".

International record review

2013 June



Michael Jameson

2013 June

"This is as unruffled and well-ordered a reading as I've heard for some time, eliciting little of the sense of shock this work should always invoke. The playing ... is entirely assured, however, and while the performance overall seens a touch too comfortable to wholly convince, there's still much to admire".

The gramophone

2019 January



Mark Pullinger

2019 January

"The best moments in this Firebird aren't the raucous ones. Petrenko homes in on the fine details, like a craftsman working with gold leaf and the finest of brushes ... The Khorovod and Berceuse are incredibly beautiful, handled like porcelain, the conductor happy to linger over tender moments. From its opening pinpoint trumpet cock-crow, Petrenko's Rimsky is just as exquisite ... This is a most attractive release".