Music / electronica

The man-machine

Reviews (5)

Drowned in sound

d. 13. Oct. 2009



Chris Power

d. 13. Oct. 2009

"The Man-Machine is so fresh that it seems as though it's just emerged glistening from a digital womb. Kraftwerk's prodigious talent for simple, minimal melody was intact, but it is buttressed here by an even more graceful sweep to the music's atmospheres".





Steve Huey


"More pop-oriented than any of their previous work, the sound of The Man-Machine — in particular among Kraftwerk's oeuvre — had a tremendous impact on the cold, robotic synth pop of artists like Gary Numan, as well as Britain's later new romantic movement".


d. . undefined 20



Steve Huey

d. . undefined 20

"The Man-Machine is closer to the sound and style that would define early new wave electro-pop - less minimalistic in its arrangements and more complex and danceable in its underlying rhythms ... More pop-oriented than any of their previous work, the sound of The Man-Machine - in particular among Kraftwerk's oeuvre - had a tremendous impact on the cold, robotic synth pop of artists like Gary Numan, as well as Britain's later new romantic movement".


d. 25. Oct. 2020



Kasper Schütt-Jensen

d. 25. Oct. 2020

"Der er (...) ikke noget nyt fra Kraftwerk, men til gengæld hænger alt på gruppens mesterværker smukt sammen. Nu er de genudgivet på farvet vinyl, og en del af dem er ude på både tysk og engelsk ... 'Die Mensch-Maschine' - den med 'Das Model' - stikker ud som et enkelt, men uhyre effektivt banebrydende elektronisk værk, der har inspireret utallige popgrupper gennem tiden".


d. 9. Oct. 2009



Per Reinholdt Nielsen

d. 9. Oct. 2009

"På både Trans Europa Express (1977), Die Mensch-Maschine (1978) og Computerwelt (1981) forfiner gruppen en konceptuel klang- og billedkunst. Teksterne er ikke uvæsentlige, men i forhold til sædvanlige rock- og poptekster er de højst ledetråde for sangenes musik- og billeduniverser og oftest holdt i så neutrale og kryptiske udsagn, at Kraftwerk kan tages til indtægt for eksempelvis både begejstring og angst for den nye teknologi".