Music / kor

The suspended harp of Babel

Reviews (6)

The observer

d. 23. May 2020



Fiona Maddocks

d. 23. May 2020

"His music is tonal, sensuous yet pure, direct but almost introspective ... His setting of Psalm 104, Bless the Lord, my soul, opens with deep basses underpinning all, growing in radiance then retreating into haunting stillness ... It's music of another place and time, beautifully done".


2020, nr. 59



Esben Tange (f. 1961)

2020, nr. 59

"Det estiske elitevokalensemble Vox Clamantis lydæstetik står manifest som lysende klangsøjler i den rigelige akustik i Opstandelseskirken i Tallinn og med en musik, der med sin langsomhed tør sætte en alternativ dagsorden til tidens puls, er dette album ECM-kunst af reneste aftapning ... I dette tilfælde ældgamle religiøse hymner, der her i Kreeks arrangementer fremstår som nænsom vokalkunst ... Hver tone er vigtig, og langsomhed er en dyd. Desto mere befriende er de instrumentale mellemspil ... som en trio ledet af den italienske nøgleharpespiller Marco Ambrosini har skabt netop til dette album".

BBC music magazine

2020 July



Paul Riley (musikanmelder)

2020 July

"Choral & song choice: Gregorian chant affords a common meeting place for the musicians of Vox Clamantis, but their reach has spanned medieval polyphony to contemporary music ... This latest disc honours a major figure of Estonian choral music ... Cyrillus Kreek (1889-1962), pioneering folksong collector and composer of folkinflected sacred music ... A caressing velvety choral reassurance underpins Jaan-Eile Tulve's tender direction of Psalm 121. Nothing is forced. The singing breathes with a collective, gentle inevitability ... The final impression is abiding solace, nonetheless, for these distracted times".


2020 juillet-août



Benoît Fauchet

2020 juillet-août

Fono Forum

2020 Juli



Thomas Otto

2020 Juli

"CDs des Monats: Neue Musik aus dem Baltikum erfreut sich bereits seit Jahren grossen Zuspruchs und wird vor allem durch Komponisten wie Arvo Pärt, Erkki-Sven Tüür oder Tõnis Kaumann repräsentiert. Hierzulande kaum präsent hingegen ist das Werk des estnischen Komponisten Cyrillus Kreek. Sehr zu Unrecht, wie die aktuelle CD des herausragenden Ensembles Vox Clamantis beweist ... Kreek, selbst Leiter zahlreicher Chöre und Organisator grosser Sängerfeste, verarbeitete viele weltliche und geistliche estnische Melodien in seinen Kompositionen ... Seine makellose Intonation und Homogenität stellt der Chor besonders bei den A-cappella-Stücken wie den Psalmen 121 und 137 unter Beweis".

The gramophone

2020 July



Ivan Moody (f. 1964)

2020 July

"Editor's choice: Their clarity, their precision, their sheer musicianship make them easily one of the best vocal ensembles currently active anywhere in the world ... Two of the most impressive works are Bless the Lord, my soul and By the rivers of Babylon, both of which are absolutely ideal vehicles for Vox Clamantis, whose precise placing of chords, assisted by impeccable tuning, means that every harmonic detail is as clear as a bell. Highly recommended".