Music / folk

The well worn path

Reviews (3)

Americana UK

d. 8. Nov. 2018



Peter Churchill

d. 8. Nov. 2018

"The name of Lakeman is a common one in folk circles. Brothers Seth, Sam and Sean have long become a byword for reliably high class and innovative music, be it individually or in collaboration with other high-class musicians. So it is with album number nine for Seth who follows up his understated Americana-style previous album with a return to a band led folk-rock approach ... That there are also slower, more mournful tracks to be found here simply allows Seth to demonstrate the range for which his fans will no doubt already be familiar. For new admirers `The Well Worn Path' will be a worthy entry into the world of Lakeman".

Folk radio UK

d. 16. Oct. 2018



Mike Davies

d. 16. Oct. 2018

"Produced by Ben Hillier and featuring his new four-piece band of veteran collaborator Ben Nicholls on bass, drummer Evan Jenkins, Kit Hawes on guitars and sister-in-law Kathryn Roberts providing backing vocals, it marks what he describes as more of a prog-rock approach to his formative sound ... Lakeman may tread well-worn paths, but this is definitely a case where familiarity breeds content".


2018-2019 Winter



Colin Irwin

2018-2019 Winter

"The clattering industrial rhythm on Judge Not A Man, the chiming backdrop on the omnious The Well Worn Path, Evan Jenkins' formidable drums at the front of the mix, the chunky guitar of Kit Hawes a constant weapon, bass man Ben Nicholls firmly in the mix on both stand-up and electic... at times it sounds like one of Richard Thompson's stroppier albums. And very occasionally there's a burst of vocals from Seth's sister-in-law Kathryn Roberts to add soul, drama and - with a trusty bout of foot-stomping fiddle - even a touch of folk".