Music / pop


Reviews (4)





Neil Z. Yeung


"Even if the songs on Walls aren't the most distinct or memorable, they come from a place of authenticity that's genuinely heartwarming and enjoyable. Like any other settled adult, Tomlinson is perfectly content to stick to the reliable, and Walls winds up being the most mature and natural of the ex-1D bunch".


d. 5. Feb. 2020



Ashley Bardhan

d. 5. Feb. 2020

"The latest One Directioner to go his own way tackles big themes, but the music is filled with the kind of dead-eyed vocal delivery and lazy drumming, strumming, and writing that all pop stars fear".


d. 20. Jan. 2020



Ella Kemp

d. 20. Jan. 2020

"The album's Oasis-imitating title track indicates his headstrong ambition, the neat major-minor key changes just about sophisticated enough to pull at your heartstrings. He's perhaps taking the time to find himself properly before launching into a boisterous future. He may be looking back on what he loved - both the history he helped make and the one that shaped him - before rebuilding something new. There are the foundations here for a rewarding future".

Gaffa [online]

d. 10. Feb. 2020



Sara Elisabeth Nedergaard

d. 10. Feb. 2020

"Nu er Tomlinson ude med sit debutalbum, som har fået titlen Walls. Og minsandten om han ikke har præsteret at finde sin egen lille subgenre at boltre sig indenfor (...) Louis kastet sig over britpoppen ... Louis Tomlinsons vokal har nemlig en umiskendelig snert af Gallagher-brødrene (...) Så hvad får man, når man blander One Direction og Oasis? Louis Tomlinson (...) Produktionerne er desværre håbløst uinspirerede med flad vokal og ditto trommer ... måske viser Louis Tomlinson at være teenagepigernes gateway-drug til britpoppen. Hvem ved? Kudos til One Directions svage led, sådan at give sig i kast med et forsøg på at skabe britpop. Men det bliver A for effort og ikke meget mere end det".