Music / folkemusik

Water of Tyne

Reviews (2)

Folk radio UK

d. 28. Oct. 2016



David Kidman

d. 28. Oct. 2016

"The prevailing mood of the collection is laid-back and reflective, with unstated emphasis on the (perhaps unexpected) lyrical beauty of the River Tyne; that's not to say that the occasional more rumbustious Geordie ditty might not have been entirely out of place here, but the disc is a truly lovely collection just as it stands, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Also, it ought to do much to boost the image of the region and its heritage - and let's face it, if it inspires folks to visit the many and varied delights of the region then it can't be a bad thing at all.Another selling point is that even those folk music enthusiasts who have more than a passing knowledge of Tyneside music and traditions, who will doubtless already own recordings of at least one or two of the disc's items, will find this new disc a rewarding and stimulating sequence in its own right, and definitely a worthwhile addition to their library shelves".


2017 Jan/Feb



Colin Irwin

2017 Jan/Feb

"The friends are significant. The Unthanks, Bob Fox, The Side, Hannah Rickard, Ian Stephenson and Superfolkus and even Kathryn's old man Mike Tickell offering a different view of the characteristically empathetic and atmospheric music created by Kathryn in what amounts to an expansive love letter to Tyneside. It's an album of gentle soul and exquisite playing, but beyond the instrumental landscapes that blossom before us, the songs give another critical insight into the stories and history behind all the affecting music ... You don't have to be from Tyneside to love this".