Music / hip hop

Weather or not

Reviews (3)


d. 25. Jan. 2018



Justin Ivey

d. 25. Jan. 2018

"Many rappers are never able to recapture the heights and glory of their debuts, yet Evidence managed to do it with Weather Or Not. While it may have benefited from some trimming of the fat, such as the glorified interlude "Moving Too Fast," Weather Or Not is an outstanding piece of traditionalist Hip Hop from front-to-back. This album's audience might be niche, but it's everything those particular fans could ask for in 2018".


d. 31. Jan. 2018



M. T. Richards

d. 31. Jan. 2018

"With his pockets newly greased and his legacy secure, now is the time for Evidence to rigorously challenge the confines of underground hip-hop; unfortunately, Weather or Not plays it safe. Not to put too fine a point on it, but the world doesn't lack for reverent simulations of De La Soul's Stakes is High".


d. 27. Jan. 2018



Dean Van Nguyen

d. 27. Jan. 2018

"Evidence is fully at home in this odyssey through time and space. He's a bottomless lyricist, more interested in jabbing away with stiff punchlines than building narratives ... Two decades after arriving on the scene with Dilated Peoples, Evidence remains blessedly devoted to the unflashy ideals that made him an underground hero".