Music / rock

Who do you trust?

Reviews (5)

The skinny

d. 11. Jan. 2019



Dylan Tuck

d. 11. Jan. 2019

"This release isn't going to be for everyone (trading a harder sound for radio-rock seems to divide fans more often than not), especially with a band of 40-somethings attempting to make widely accessible rock tunes. Regardless, Papa Roach have been going for 25 years, and to still be reinventing and reshaping their sound this far into their career deserves a fair amount of credit".





Matt Collar


"Long-running California outfit Papa Roach build upon their rejuvenated rock, rap, and pop sound with their engaging 11th studio album, 2019's Who Do You Trust? ... All of this works nicely and reinforces the notion that after over 20 years into their career, Papa Roach are handling maturity pretty well".





Matt Collar


"With Love Hates What You Become, Lost Under Heaven hit you in the heart right out of the gate, but then spend the rest of the album building you back up, hammering a crack into reality to let the light in. The album sticks with you even after coming to its crashing end. As Roberts sings on "Serenity Says," "The silence amplifies our love."".


d. 24. Jan. 2019



Sebastian Taylor Bach

d. 24. Jan. 2019

"Papa Roach har, som insektet bandet er opkaldt efter, vist sig svært at komme af med. Så længe bandet kan levere det par stærke singler, der vanen tro leveres, og det kan kombineres med et sprudlende og unikt liveshow, skal Shaddix & co. nok blive hængende. Mon ikke også de overlever denne halv-succesfulde udgivelse og vender tilbage om to års tid, vanen tro? I så fald har de forhåbentlig enten ændret retning eller er blevet bedre til den ædle kunst at skrive et godt rocknummer".


d. 18. Jan. 2019



Paul Travers

d. 18. Jan. 2019

"Papa Roach's 10th album, then, is neither the unexpected triumph or dated nu-metal fail you might expect. There's plenty of killer, but it's held back by an equal amount of filler. The live shows have got some new classics in waiting, but the album as a whole doesn't quite meet past heights".