Music / country

Wouldn't it be great


Summary: Loretta Lynn's follow up to her Grammy nominated Full circle mixes new compositions with newly imagined versions of her timeless classics, including Coal miner's daughter. It shows that her songwriting is as sharp as ever.

Reviews (1)





Mark Deming


"... Wouldn't It Be Great are built around low-key acoustic arrangements, with some stellar bluegrass pickers joining the studio band, including Sam Bush, Ronnie McCoury, and Randy Scruggs. The music is full-bodied but mindful of dynamics, and serves Lynn well as a vocalist; her voice at the age of 86 is remarkably strong and limber, little changed from her salad days in the '60s and '70s, and if the reduced volume means she doesn't have to belt as hard, she is clearly still in firm command of her instrument ... still a vital artist and one of America's great treasures, but it might have been better if they'd waited long enough to let her write a full album's worth of material, or even if she'd included some covers she'd never recorded before".