Film / nonfiktion

Alfred Brendel - my musical life

Anmeldelser (2)

Presto classical




"When, in December 2008, six decades into his illustrious career, Alfred Brendel bade farewell to an emotional Viennese audience, it was not a "full stop", as it may have appeared at that moment. Rather a "semicolon". With more time on his hands, the celebrated pianist went on to focus on other activities - writing (essays on music, poetry), giving lectures, leading masterclasses. In January 2021, Brendel will celebrate his 90th birthday, possessing profound knowledge and experience, as well as a great zest for learning new things. And also a sense of humour, which he has often turned against himself. Precious few artists have influenced the perception and performance of music as much as Brendel has ... Of late, Brendel has often visited Prague to give lectures and masterclasses at the Rudolfinum, highlights of which are captured on the present DVD. Beethoven, Mozart and Schubert are the figures he, as a pianist, treasures most. The autobiographical lecture `My Musical Life' provides the viewer with a glimpse of the universe full of paradox that gave rise to the legend called Brendel - unveiling the sources of his inspiration, education and artistry, that formed his vision of the world. The DVD affords the rare opportunity to meet the living legend".


2021, nr. 102



Jörgen Lundmark

2021, nr. 102

"Alfred Brendel är pensionerad från pianospelandet. Men han har fortsatt med sina strålande föredrag som med välskrivna manus och torr humor fångar publikens hela uppmärksamhet ... Och det är tur det, för han har mycket att säga som är minnesvärt. Den mycket välfyllda dvd:n är uppdelad i fyra olika avsnitt: en biografisk skiss; Beethovens tre sista sonater och hans sena stil, att spela Mozart samt en mästerklass där Brendel undervisar tre unga musiker i Schuberts första pianotrio ... Avsnitten om Beethoven och Mozarts musik är imponerande konkreta ... det är utan tvekan fascinerande att höra hur genomtänkt hans estetik är".

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