Musik / rock


Anmeldelser (3)


d. 9. aug. 2023



Sebastian Taylor Bach

d. 9. aug. 2023

"En klar forbedring i forhold til forgængeren. Til gengæld er pladen også det mindre konsistent i forhold til 'Välde'. Den røde tråd og konceptet er en smule mindre tydeligt i snestormen, men det er et meget lille negativt aspekt af en ellers særdeles stærk udgivelse".

Ghost Cult

d. 2. aug. 2023



Matt Cook (musikanmelder)

d. 2. aug. 2023

"Their fourth effort, Ashen (Unique Leader) is a life-or-death affair from start to finish. The Swedes formulate a somewhat avant-garde brand of deathcore, and every second that elapses is one step closer to the conclusion of us all ... And if it happens to be the last bit of music we ever get to hear as a society, well, that wouldn't be too bad now, would it?".

Metal Sucks

d. 9. aug. 2023



Max Heilman

d. 9. aug. 2023

"Ashen shows how Humanity's Last Breath defies classification while achieving an immediately recognizable vibe. We're talking about an album with cover art straight out of phallic machinations of H.R. Giger, featuring an opening track with a riff that's essentially several bars of one giant upward string bend. It sounds completely out of control, and maybe it really is out of control, but Humanity's Last Breath rides the tumultuous tides gracefully".