
Cantatas for soprano

Anmeldelser (10)

The guardian

d. 14. maj 2017



Fiona Maddocks

d. 14. maj 2017

" The German period ensemble's energy and precision is ever evident, especially in the woodwind-dominated Sinfonia of Tritt auf die Glaubensbahn, BWV 152 (with bass-baritone Andreas Wolf). The third cantata on this absorbing album is the radiant Wedding Cantata BWV 202".


d. 24. okt. 2017



Henrik Friis (f. 1978)

d. 24. okt. 2017

"Tre fuldfede kantater af Johann Sebastian Bach, der klinger af intimitet og stoflighed i et klart og fokuseret lydbillede uden romantiske effekter eller udsving i tempi. Sampson er hovedperson i smuk barokmusik med få virkemidler og et heftigt rytmisk drive".

Fono Forum

2013 Dezember



Marcus Stäbler

2013 Dezember

"Vieles an dieser neuen Einspielung der Bach'schen h-Moll-Messe ist überzeugend, wenn nicht gar hinreissend gelungen".

Early music today

2017 June-August



Adrian Horsewood

2017 June-August

"The crystalline beauty of Sampson's voice makes it the ideal instrument for the wondrous language of 'Weichet nur', not least in the opening aria, sumptuously sung in duet with Katharina Arkfen's solo oboe obligato ... 'Mein Herz' is no less excellent in its execution; all in all, this is a gem of a disc".

BBC music magazine

2017 August



Nicholas Anderson

2017 August

"Recording of the month - BBC music choice: Here are performances ... to treasure for a lifetime ... Sampson conveys a beguiling innocence, enlivening Bach's vernal masterpiece with affective ornaments, lightly articulated declamation and a carefully controlled vibrato. Tempos are justly chosen and the appropriately resonant importance given to the basso continuo provides icing on this most delicious of cakes ... This is an outstanding release".

Fono Forum

2017 August



Johannes Schmitz

2017 August

"Drei Kantaten in kammermusikalischer Anlage aus Bachs Weimarer Jahren ... vereint diese CD. Das Freiburger Barockorchester und die beiden Vokalsolisten ... bieten sie konzentriert und mit grosser Intensität, sodass die Aufnahme zu einem Vergnügen wird, das sich zugleich ganz natürlich entfaltet ... Carolyn Watson ... um höchst musikalisch zu gestalten und den lieblichen Klang ihrer klaren und schlank geführten Stimme in den Dienst der Texte zu stellen. Auch Andreas Wolf absolviert seinen Part ... überlegen und mit in Wohlklang gebetteter innerer Spannung".

International record review

2013 October



Graham Rogers

2013 October

"This is a feel-good, comfort album if ever there was one: a delightful, well-contrasting programme of three of Bach's greatest solo-voice cantatas, beautifully sung and sensitively accompanied ... Honey-toned Jankova shines here as a world-class soprano of rare humility, gravitas and joyousness, and it is impossible to imagine finer, more stylish playing than that of Collegium 1704".

The gramophone

2013 September



Jonathan Freeman-Attwood

2013 September

"Jankova has a pleasing voice - at best exhibiting some real quality, especially as 'Weichet nur' progresses ... Jankova exhibits genuine warmth and coloratura in 'Jauchzet'. Indeed, roulades of semiquavers present few obstacles to her ... Collegium 1704 perform with enduring discipline and no little vitality".

The gramophone

2017 July



Jonathan Freeman-Attwood

2017 July

"Sampson is arguably the most experienced, assured and wide-ranging of current Bach sopranos. Sensitivity to the evolving line and projection of text, both of which she manages with warmth and dark-hued reflection, forms a consistent part of her delicate armoury ... The resonant and authoritative Freiburgers encapsulate the profound remorse of the sinner [in BWV199] ... This is really worth waiting for".


2017 juillet-août



Gaëtan Naulleau

2017 juillet-août

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".