Musik / solosang


Anmeldelser (5)

The guardian

d. 30. jan. 2020



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 30. jan. 2020

"Tenor Nicholas Phan and pianist Myra Hang do perfect justice to vocal works by the Boulanger sisters, illustrating their contrasting stylistic leanings ... As his recording of La Bonne Chanson has already shown, he is an outstanding interpreter of French song, and Huang is an equally attentive partner. It's hard to imagine these Boulanger songs could have more convincing advocacy".


2020 avril



François Laurent

2020 avril

BBC music magazine

2020 May



Christopher Dingle

2020 May

"Nicholas Phan and Myra Huang's intelligently programmed recital gathers settings of Maeterlinck and Verlaine by the sisters as preparation for Lili's remarkable 13-song cycle 'Clarières dans le ciel' ... Enchanting when intimate, Phan possesses notable changes of colour, with some magical high singing at the end of Nadia's 'Reflets' ... and with Huang's warm pianism there is much to cherish ... An ideal introduction to this repertoire".

Fono Forum

2020 Mai



Bernd Feuchtner

2020 Mai

"CDs des Monats: Die sechs Lieder Nadias legen einen goldschimmernden Rahmen um die nervösere, vielfarbiger Liedkunst von Lili ... Nicholas Phan und Myra Huang zeigen uns, warum dieser dem Jugendstil nahe Zyklus zum besten gehört, was im 20. Jahrhundert an Lieder geschrieben wurde: sensibel, farbenreich, stets überraschend und zum Weinen schön".

The gramophone

2020 April



David Patrick Stearns

2020 April

"Phan has deeply internalised this music - with highly detailed, personal, specific and often quite volatile responses to Lili Boulanger's particular fusion of music and poetry in Clairières dans le ciel - though not through the lens of Debussy. Boulanger taken on her own terms. This less genteel approach to French art song has also been explored by François Le Roux; still, Phan is likely to be controversial. But to these American ears, Phan delivers a more emotionally comprehensive (and deeply welcome) vision of this worthy music".