Musik / operaarier

Signor Gaetano

Anmeldelser (62)

Classics today




Robert Levine (musikanmelder)


"Marc Minkowski leads the Warsaw forces with energy and affection, and he entirely avoids any of the rum-tum-tumness that lesser conductors fall into. The band plays the Cenerentola overture with great spirit. The classy production includes chorus where there should be, and the accompanying booklet has notes and texts and translations. Let us hear more of her: when she's good she's gorgeous".

Classics today




Robert Levine (musikanmelder)


"Her very first notes here, from Le Siège de Corinthe, are warm and pleading, the tone round and full-and utterly beautiful. As the voice rises, it doesn't lose texture. The coloratura is close to flawless, as is her pitch. The roulades and runs are so fierce in the Rossini selections that, let's face it, a touch of hesitation is to be expected and it is just that - a touch ... More than anything else, you come away from this recital with the realization that Oropesa and, indeed, the Dresden Philharmonic and conductor Corrado Rovaris, have fashioned a warmhearted, stylistically impeccable look at French bel canto, frequently overlooked. There's nothing hackneyed here, and no ear fatigue listening to a high solo voice for 65 minutes ... What a fine disc!".

MusicWeb international

2022 December



Michael Cookson

2022 December

"Savouring the technical and artistic challenges of Rossini and Donizetti, Oropesa is in sparkling form, especially assured in her high register, in airs that seem tailor-made for her voice. At times, her fearless and full-blooded coloratura comes at the expense of steadiness but the results are always exciting. The Dresdner Philharmonie excels in unity and expression under conductor Corrado Rovaris. Adding to the success of the album is the first-class support from the Staatsopernchor Dresden ... This collection is a delight from start to finish".

Presto classical

d. 1. nov. 2022



Katherine Cooper

d. 1. nov. 2022

"Editor's choice - October 2022: Oropesa's full but eminently flexible soprano is eminently suited to everything here, from the coloratura fireworks of Comtesse Adèle in Rossini's Le comte Ory to the grand style of the same composer's final opera Guillaume Tell. As well as relishing the expressive possibilities of the French language, she's a nuanced vocal actress, attuned to the pathos as well as the perkiness of Marie in Donizetti's La fille du régiment and capturing Lucie de Lammermoor's vulnerability and isolation (even more pronounced in this French version of the opera than in the usual Italian) quite beautifully".

MusicWeb international

2022 November



Göran Forsling (f. 1942)

2022 November

"Recording of the month: Lisette Oropesa's accomplished florid singing ... emphatically demonstrates that she has retained the ease and lightness of her early years as a soubrette but gained in power and intensity and now is a fully-fledged Lirico spinto ... The final opera here is La fille du regiment ... Just as much a tour de force for Marie, the soprano, who is everybody's little darling. Lisette Oropesa is in her element here and shines with beauty of tone, lightness and elegance ... Considering the formidable singing she delivers elsewhere throughout this enchanting recital: A winner in every respect and a strong candidate for my Recording of the Year!".

DR musik

2014 uge 47



Malene Wichmann

2014 uge 47

"Vurdering: Ugens cd" - "På Ugens Cd synger han [Lawrence Brownlee] de Rossini-arier, der ligger så naturligt for ham. Og det er tydeligt at høre, at her er en virtuos på hjemmebane. Udover at være en pragtpræstation af Brownlee, er cd'en også en indgang til den særdeles produktive operakomponist Rossinis verden".

MusicWeb international

2014 March



Simon Thompson (musikanmelder)

2014 March

"Brownlee's first recital with orchestra, and this new kid on the bel canto block uses it to show us just how good he is when he is on his home turf. The results are thrilling ... The voice itself is full, rich and remarkably supple ... Sit back and enjoy".

Presto classical

d. 13. nov. 2020



Katherine Cooper

d. 13. nov. 2020

"Recording of the week: If the spark between David and Nozzari was anywhere near as electrifying as the frisson which the two Americans generate here it's small wonder that the composer quickly realised he was onto a good thing ... The sheer delight and inspiration which the two singers find in one another's artistry shines through even in the more sombre excerpts from works like Otello and Le Siège de Corinthe".

MusicWeb international

2020 November



Rick Perdian

2020 November

"It is a golden age for lyric tenors and two of the finest are Lawrence Brownlee and Michael Spyres. Their new recording for Warner Classics and Erato, Amici e Rivali, finds them in excellent form as they face off as friends and rivals in the music of Rossini ... Corrado Rovaris elicits transparent, scintillating playing from I Virtuosi Italiani ... 'Amici e Rivali' fuels dreams of Brownlee and Spyres performing these roles together on stage. The sheer beauty and excitement of these top notch performances, however, will delight anyone who just wants to find an escape from the cares of the day and luxuriate in the vocal alchemy that only Rossini could create".

MusicWeb international

2016 December



Ralph Moore (musikanmelder)

2016 December

"Recording of the month: Lawrence Brownlee has, alongside Juan Diego Flórez , a claim to being the best tenor exponent of the art of bel canto since the young Pavarotti in his heyday. This recital ... confirms that status. Not only does he possess a voice of great beauty, agility and elegance, but he deploys it with great taste, discreetly ornamenting the da capo sections of arias without ever resorting to undue prolongation or grandstanding".

DR musik

2013 uge 18



Malene Wichmann

2013 uge 18

"Vurdering: Ugens cd" - "Polske Aleksandra Kurzak er en rigtig Rossini-pige. Et perlende koleratur-talent med charme og sødme ... På Ugens Cd brillerer hun på sin hjemmebane. Stemmen er ren og klar, varm og charmerende, og det er tydeligt at den polske sopran har følelserne med i stemme-ekvilibrismen. Det er dét der gør hende god".

Presto classical

d. 11. nov. 2022



Katherine Cooper

d. 11. nov. 2022

"Recording of the week: With his sweet, warm timbre (rounder and less astringent than that of his slightly older contemporary Juan Diego Flórez) and endearing stage-presence, Camarena is ideal casting for Donizetti's wide-eyed comic heroes - but it's a thrilling shock to the system to hear him unsheath the vocal steel that lurks within the velvet in the more dramatic roles here, especially once the high Cs, Ds and even E flats start flying".

MusicWeb international

2023 January



Göran Forsling (f. 1942)

2023 January

"Recording of the month: The three concluding scenes from Marino Faliero, Caterina Cornaro and Rosmonda d'Inghilterra offers splendid opportunities for Camarena to exhibit his brilliant height. And so he does with elegance, seemingly effortlessly and unwavering steadiness and accuracy. With Donizetti specialist Riccardo Frizza in the pit and excellent work from the orchestral and choral forces this is a valuable addition to the Donizetti catalogue and a magnificent full-size portrait of a truly great bel canto artist. Don't miss this one!".


d. 30. mar. 2017



Thomas Michelsen

d. 30. mar. 2017

"Efter udspil og optrædener, der har fokuseret på barokken ... viser den canadiske sanger i denne vifte af arier og duetter fra Rossinis boblende belcantoverden, at den dybe kvindestemme ... også kan levere koloraturer, følelser og finesse ... Man kommer ikke udenom, at Lemieux med dette udspil træder ind på en scene, hvor hun på forhånd har tabt til superstjernen Cecilia Bartolis unikke energi og virtuositet. Men canadieren har en blidere, skyggefarvet og dvælende stemme, der står fint i sin egen ret".

Berlingske tidende

d. 11. dec. 2009



Søren Schauser

d. 11. dec. 2009

"Colbran var operakomponisten Rossinis store kærlighed og vistnok inspirationskilde til mange af hans kvinderoller ... Joyce DiDonato ... synger fantastisk. Alligevel virker netop Colbrans repertoire ikke som det helt rigtige for hende. Stemmen savner en smule for mange vitaminer - især i toppen. Så den nye plade hører ikke til amerikanerens bedste".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 13. jan. 2010



Jakob Holm

d. 13. jan. 2010

"Den spanske diva Isabella Colbran var en vigtig person i Rossinis liv ... hvor er det godt! Og det gælder ikke kun DiDonatos fortræffelige mezzo, der gestalter både det sødmefulde, smertefulde, livfulde og grufulde i figurerne til fuldkommenhed med en mørkgylden, fejlfri stemme, der uanstrengt fornøjer med brusende koloraturer og gnistrende episke forløb. Det gælder også orkestret ... En af de bedste vokale udgivelser fra slutningen af det forgangne år".


d. 1. dec. 2009



Thomas Michelsen

d. 1. dec. 2009

"DiDonato fortolker Rossini-arier fra den spanske diva Isabella Colbrans rolleliste, og resultaterne er frapperende. Man kan opleve koloraturspecialister inden for bel canto-faget, der mestrer udsmykningerne med beundringsværdig instrumental klarhed, men Joyce DiDonato trænger længere ind. Når hun synger ... bliver ord til følelser. Stemmen har den perfekte blanding af præcision og farveskift ... et af årets operaalbum".


d. 19. okt. 2015



Thomas Michelsen

d. 19. okt. 2015

"Den 35-årige russiske koloratursopran har en stemme som den creme, der flyder ud, når man bider en fyldt chokolade over: sød, silkeblød og sprittet, så man næsten får en lille svimlende fornemmelse. Rossini er lige hendes boldgade, og det er dejligt, at Sony har ladet hende indspille 7 længere sammenhængende operauddrag ... Peretyatko svinger sig akrobatisk mellem lysekronerne og kommer langt op over det høje C".


d. 14. maj 2013



Jens Povlsen

d. 14. maj 2013

"Døren til Rossinis arier står pivåben på polske Aleksandra Kurzaks andet soloalbum. Faktisk så meget, at den unge koloratursopran indimellem skaber gennemtræk i Rossinis sprudlende sensibilitet. Hun strækker sig ellers smidigt efter italienerens belcanto-klassikere, og holdt oppe af orkesteret fra Warszawas dejlige, rustikke klang, når hun også godt til vejrs ... Kurzak tager for store mundfulde af Rossini og når ikke rigtig at synke herlighederne, før hun er videre i teksten".

Fono Forum

2016 Oktober



Gerhard Persché

2016 Oktober

"Die französische Mezzosopranistin darf sich bereits zur Star-Szene des Belcanto zählen; vor allem in Rossini-Partien verblüfft sie ... Die Nummern ihres neuen Rossini-Albums interpretiert sie mit viel Elan, Souveränität, stupenden Koloraturen und Fiorituren; für die verschiedenen Charaktere hat sie stets unterschiedliche Ausdrucksfarben parat".


2016 juin



Didier van Moere

2016 juin

BBC music magazine

2017 April



Elinor Cooper

2017 April

"Lemieux shines in this infectiously fun collection of Rossini arias, demonstrating the huge range of roles the composer wrote for the contralto voice".


2017, nr. 45



Henrik Engelbrecht

2017, nr. 45

"Der er langt imellem rigtige alter ... Canadiske Marie-Nicole Lemieux er én af dem ... Hun har en fleksibilitet i stemmen, som gør den ekstremt velegnet til koloratur-alt-arier. Og dem findes der mange af i repertoiret fra før cirka 1830 ... Da hun skulle vælge repertoire til sin nye cd ... var hun ikke i tvivl om, at det skulle være med netop hans [Rossinis] musik ... Enrique Mazzola dirigerer kompetent og præcist".


2017 mars



Didier van Moere

2017 mars

Operabladet Ascolta

(2010) 28. årgang nr. 4



Henrik Marcussen

(2010) 28. årgang nr. 4

"DiDonato har en stemmemæssig smidighed med et vidtspændende toneområde. Dertil udstråling af personlighed med råderum til det muntre skæmtsomme og det sorrigfulde. Hun har et perfektioneret legato og en forbilledlig tekstformidling ... i en perlerække af arier fulgt op af et traditionsbevidst velplejet orkester og kor".

BBC music magazine

2019 November



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2019 November

"The South African tenor ... in emulation of his idol Juan Diego Flórez has gone on to enjoy a highly successful career specialising in Rossini. This disc explains why ... Pretty well everything ... is first class, with the tenor's bright, slightly nasal tone running around the notes with great accuracy. He may offer no great dynamic range - everything is at much the same level throughout - but the slower, more lyrical sections are nicely shaped ... The Munich Orchestra provides lively and graceful playing".

BBC music magazine

2022 December



Alexandra Wilson (musikanmelder)

2022 December

"Her voice is both pure and full-bodied, with an extensive range in terms of both tessitura and characterisation, allowing her to do justice to the many different moods showcased on this recording, from deep emotion to comedy. She approaches the longest of coloratura runs with apparent effortlessness, rising beyond superficial showiness to bring character to each performance".


2022 decembre



Julia Le Brun

2022 decembre

BBC music magazine

2021 February



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2021 February

"Lawrence Brownlee takes the higher parts. Airy and buoyant in his top register, he can negotiate all the notes with ease. Michael Spyres is equally stylish, though there are a couple of moments when he's less than ideally fluent ... With plenty of forward drive under Corrado Rovaris, the periodinstrument orchestra is neat, accurate and light-textured".

BBC music magazine

2017 March



Christopher Cook (musikanmelder)

2017 March

"Lawrence Brownlee is the real thing; a genuine bel canto tenor whose new recording amply fulfils the promise of his earlier Rossini recital ... [There is] admirable diction in a pair of Donizetti rarities ... Then there's a sinuous legato that would surely have brought Donizetti to his feet. And Bellini, too".


2017 avril



Didier van Moere

2017 avril

Operabladet Ascolta

(2013) 32. årgang nr. 2



Henrik Marcussen

(2013) 32. årgang nr. 2

"På sin anden cd byder Aleksandra Kurzak på et rent Rossini-program ... De valg, der er truffet, viser meget overbevisende, hvad denne polske mesterjonglør evner udi koloraturens kunst. Kurzaks stemme er udsøgt klar og kontrolleret med en timbre, der indeholder farve-nuancer og 'bid' og uden antydning af slavisk tradition. Koloraturerne er klare, præcise og udtryksfulde. Derudover noteres det fineste legato og en glimrende tekstformidling".


2023 février



Didier van Moere

2023 février

BBC music magazine

2022 Christmas



Alexandra Wilson (musikanmelder)

2022 Christmas

"It's interesting, that he has largely avoided the pyrotechnic showstoppers on this disc ... A couple of concessions are made to popular taste: 'Povero Ernesto' (Don Pasquale) and the evergreen 'Una furtiva lagrima' (L'elisir d'amore), both of which are performed with deep expression and have something genuinely new to say. The voice is elegant, flexible and carefully controlled, with sympathetic support provided by Gli Originali under the baton of Riccardo Frizza".

BBC music magazine

2014 April



Christopher Cook (musikanmelder)

2014 April

"Mosuc takes few prisoners on this bel canto CD ... Her singing can be viscerally exciting ... There's a thoughtfulness about Mosuc's singing, too ... Not all of Mosuc's characterisation is as elegantly characterised [as her Maria Stuarda] ... Yet the excitement of hearing a dramatic coloratura soprano singing with such intelligence and accuracy generally outweighs such reservations".

The gramophone

2016 Awards



Mark Pullinger

2016 Awards

"Deshayes and conductor Raphaël Merlin have put together an intelligent recital showcasing Rossini's melodic gift as well as show-stopping acrobatics ... She plays an affecting Desdemona, a feisty Rosina and a fiery Semiramide ... [and] is supported by the lively Les Forces Majeures - sinewy, robust playing that is a joy".

The gramophone

2017 March



Richard Fairman

2017 March

"Anybody who has seen Lemieux in Baroque opera will know how she can shine thanks to the combination of an imposing voice and a lively personality ... The most attractive numbers are a clutch of duets. Lemieux is paired with the dreamy, soft soprano of Patrizia Ciofi and their voices intertwine very nicely ... At the end, Rossini's Cat Duet forms a brief encore track. Unsurprisingly, these are two cats who miaow in perfect harmony".

The gramophone

2011 July



Richard Wigmore

2011 July

"Vurdering: E (Editor's choice)" - "On the evidence of her first CD recital, the 21-year-old Russian is indeed a precious talent, if not yet quite the finished article".

The gramophone

2009 December



John Steane

2009 December

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Joyce DiDonato is on thrilling form in these devoted dedications to Colbran ... Choral and orchestral work are equally stylish, and the short tenor solos by Lawrence Brownlee are a treat".

The gramophone

2019 Awards



Mark Pullinger

2019 Awards

"He has a light, appealing tone and top notes that often hit the mark with real zing ... A sequence of nine high-octane, high-wire Rossini arias isn't necessarily recommended listening in one gulp, whoever the tenor ... But Sekgapane has put together an interesting programme ... With the right training, he could well grow into a Rossini tenor of some stature".

Operabladet Ascolta

(2002) 21. årgang nr. 1


(2002) 21. årgang nr. 1

The gramophone

2022 November



Tim Ashley

2022 November

"Editor's choice: For her second solo album, Lisette Oropesa combines her love for both the Franch language and Italian music in an exploration of arias and extracts from operas by Rossini and Donizetti ... As one might expect, it's a recording of great beauty and intelligence, superbly done from start to finish ... She's in wonderful voice throughout, her coloratura at once dazzling and expressive, her sense of line often flawless, text, character and emotions exactingly conveyed .. It's a marvellous recital from a lovely artist and highly recommended".

International record review

2014 June



John T. Hughes

2014 June

"It is a CD full of virtuosic display rather than one of in-depth interpretations (that is not a criticism)".

Operabladet Ascolta

(2002) 20. årgang nr. 5


(2002) 20. årgang nr. 5

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 7. juni 1999


d. 7. juni 1999


d. 4. maj 1999


d. 4. maj 1999

Operabladet Ascolta

(1999) 17. årgang nr. 8


(1999) 17. årgang nr. 8


d. 28. maj 1999


d. 28. maj 1999

The gramophone

2021 January



Mark Pullinger

2021 January

"Editor's choice: Their voices contrast very well. Brownlee's tenor fits the Giovanni David mould, light and flexible with glistening brilliance in his upper register. Spyres, with his darker, baritonal tenor, suits the Nozzari roles, powerful and weighty, but with top notes that can really zing ... With I Virtuosi Italiani offering sterling support under Corrado Rovaris, this is a must-have disc for discerning fans of vocal fireworks".


2021, nr. 102



Carl-Henric Malmgren

2021, nr. 102

"Det sjungs så det slår gnistor när musik från sju olika Rossini-operor samlats. Duetterna från Otello och La donna del lago är något alldeles speciellt och man kan inte låta bli att le när Brownlee och Spyres sätter fart. I Rossinis 39 operor spelar tenorrösten en viktig roll ... Men när dirigenten Corrado Rovaris leder I Virtuosi Italiani är det något som inte klaffar. Det saknas finess ... Sångarna däremot håller yppersta klass och höga c och d skjuts upp som vitglödgade raketer i stratosfären".

The gramophone

2017 January



David Patrick Stearns

2017 January

"Where some tenors use specific word-colouring, Brownlee also takes extra time by making expressive points with rubato ... But his pitch is spot-on. And every so often, such as at the end of Donizetti's "Pour me rapprocher de Marie", there's an arresting colouristic turn, reminding you that Brownlee has his own kind of vocal glamour".


d. 28. maj 1999


d. 28. maj 1999

The gramophone

2013 June



Richard Wigmore

2013 June

"Vurdering: Gramophone choice" - "Graceful, finished phrasing and an apparently effortless coloratura technique ... Without over-egging the pudding, Kurzak acts vividly for a 'blind' audience, alive to verbal nuance and using coloratura not merely as a vote-catching circus trick, but to enhance character ... This [Il turco in Italia] regularly brought the house down at Covent Garden, and on this evidence it's easy to hear why".

The gramophone

2023 January



Hugo Shirley

2023 January

"Recording of the month: This is a hugely enjoyable and unusually satisfying and engaging operatic recital from a singer at the top of his game - a superb album that does Signor Gaetano himself proud".

International record review

2014 March



John T. Hughes

2014 March

"Mosuc is not found lacking when it comes to surmounting the fioriture of whichever cabaletta is being sung, her technical prowess ensuring admirable results and the voice well honed, with trills and clean articulation in florid stretches".

The gramophone

2014 April



David Patrick Stearns

2014 April

"The overall production here is meticulous. Never does one have the sense that she has learnt arias just for the recording ... Mosuc is formidable. Her medium-weight coloratura has the necessary range and flexibility, her upper range being particularly thrilling, with high notes that aren't just confident in dramatically appropriate ways".

Berlingske tidende

d. 5. juli 2003


d. 5. juli 2003

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 21. jan. 2002


d. 21. jan. 2002

Operabladet Ascolta

(2002) 21. årgang nr. 1


(2002) 21. årgang nr. 1