Musik / kammermusik

Clarinet quintets

Anmeldelser (31)

The guardian

d. 2. apr. 2015



Tim Ashley

d. 2. apr. 2015

"The folk music brings things to a spirited close, though the disc works better if you programme it to play first: the performance of the Quintet is among the most beautiful I know, and almost impossible to follow".

Presto classical

d. 16. mar. 2015



Katherine Cooper

d. 16. mar. 2015

"Ottensamer ... has chosen to tap into his Hungarian roots with a fascinating exploration of the links between Brahms and folk-music. The disc opens with a glorious account of the autumnal Clarinet Quintet, so achingly beautiful that it moved me to tears ... Ottensamer plays a Viennese clarinet, with a wider bore than most models, which has a distinctive dark but luminous timbre that melds quite magically with viola and cello, and the rapport between clarinet and strings throughout is supremely warm and natural".

The guardian

d. 27. feb. 2011



Fiona Maddocks

d. 27. feb. 2011

"This Brahms chamber music CD from Maxim Rysanov steals the limelight. Transcriptions are the norm for the viola, which has a relatively small repertoire. Here the clarinet quintet Op 115 has Rysanov replacing clarinet, with a string quartet led by Alexander Sitkovetksy. Mezzo Alice Coote and pianist Ashley Wass join for Two Songs Op 91. The concluding work is on the glorious string quintet No 2 in G, Op 111. It's addictive".


d. 24. apr. 2015



Jens Povlsen

d. 24. apr. 2015

"På sin nyindspilning har Andreas Ottensamer en lejlighedskvartet af internationale topstrygere med sig, og det lille hold gør det helt rigtigt. Også selvom Ottensamer mangler lidt kant og temperament på sin bløde klarinet. Man bliver fyldt til randen med vellyd, og hen imod slutningen løsner velspillende Andreas Ottensamer endda på de pæne former med en heftig omgang ungarsk folkemusik".


d. 22. juli 2013



Jens Povlsen

d. 22. juli 2013

"At få landsmanden Sharon Kam ind som femtemand ryster ... ikke den israelske Jerusalemkvartet det mindste. De lyder stadig lige så godt og lige så besnærende, når de i klarinetkvintetten smukt, nærmest drømmende fortsætter ind i den bløde toneverden, de startede med at bevæge sig ind i med Brahms' anden strygekvartet. Brahms' unikke blanding af sørgende melankoli, sjælfulde tonefald og vibrerende livssyn gør de levende, selvom de samtidig lader hans gode temperament falme en smule".


d. 12. sep. 2019



Henrik Friis (f. 1978)

d. 12. sep. 2019

"Den schweiziske klarinettist Reto Bieri er ... ikke en helt almindelig klassisk musiker. Han har valgt at indramme sin fortolkning af Brahms' kvintet for klarinet og strygekvartet med moderne musik, som sætter den romantiske musik i scene. 'Let Me Die Before I Wake' hedder de 10 stille minutter - komponeret af den tyste italiener Sciarrino - som Bieri har sat foran Brahms' store klarinetkvintet, som en sagtmodig opfordring til at skærpe sanserne til de helt små detaljer hos Brahms, når vi kommer så vidt. Og det virker. Sammen med den finske strygekvartet Meta4 har Bieri fortolket mandens musik med en befriende præcision og lethed ... Reto Bieris vigtigste kort på hånden er en virkelig smuk og enkel klarinettone".


d. 9. maj 2014



Thomas Michelsen

d. 9. maj 2014

"Indspilningen er lavet med en lejlighedskvartet af internationale topstrygere ... Men resultatet ligger uendelig langt fra det braldrende solistiske overbudsorgie, man kunne frygte ... Kvintetten efterfølges af seks lieder, som Fröst 'synger' på sit instrument med Roland Pöntinen som akkompagnatør ved flyglet. Sidstnævnte bliver hængende for med Brahms' klarinettrio at gøre skiven færdig ... og så skal der ikke mere til at gøre en lykkelig".

Fono Forum

2013 September



Holger Arnold

2013 September

"Das renommierte Jerusalem Quartet versteht es meisterhaft, Brahms' ungemein konzentrierten Klangsinn ... mit souveräner Perfektion umzusetzen ... Bei dem Klarinettistin Sharon Kam das Ensemble in idealer Weise ergänzt ... Ein gelungener Brahms in musikalischen Pastelltönen!".

BBC music magazine

2011 April



Calum MacDonald

2011 April

"Beautifully-balanced and deeply-felt accounts of the two op. 91 songs with viola, where Alice Coote's voice seems perfectly to offset Rysanov's tone, complete a remarkably succesful and rewarding disc".

BBC music magazine

2019 September



Oliver Condy

2019 September

"Bieri's control and expressivity in Sciarrino's haunting solo 'Let Me Die Before I Wake' is astonishing. He's a soulful communicator in Brahms's elegiac Quintet, too. Meta4 provide sumptuous support".

Fono Forum

2019 September



Holger Arnold

2019 September

"Der schweizerische Klarinettist Reto Bieri zelebriert in Sciarrinos Solostück alles an Tönen und Geräuschen, was man im 'klassischen' Klarinettenunterricht nicht lernt. Im Brahms-Quintett agiert er in einem durchgehenden Mezzopiano tonlich zwar sehr schön, aber musikalisch merkwürdig indifferent. Dramatische Aufschwünge und dynamische Vielfalt überlässt er dem spannungsreich agierenden finnischen Streichquartett Meta 4. Mit dem zauberhaft hingehauchten und hingetupften 'Nebenstück' verklingt das Ganze schliesslich im Nichts".

Fono Forum

2014 August



Clemens Haustein

2014 August

"Fünf Solisten treten hier an, verbunden im Anspruch, nicht nur wohlklingenden Brahms zu spielen, sondern das Drama dieses Stückes aufzudecken: zwischen drängender Sehnsucht und Innerlichkeit, Aufbegehren und Resignation ... Und in der Eleganz und Mühelosigkeit des Spiels findet man zugleich zu einem geschlossenen Ensemblecharakter".


2014, nr. 55



Axel Lindhe

2014, nr. 55

"Att Martin Fröst är en virtuos av rang är välkänt ... Hans väl avvägda, känsliga och dynamiska spel bär genom klarinettens hela omfångsrika register i kvintetten och jag hittar inget bättre ord än magi för att beskriva vad han här åstadkommer med sina medmusikanter ... Här finns intensitet och energi, men också nostalgi, vemod och tragik ... Av högsta klass".


2014, nr. 34



Mikael Garnæs

2014, nr. 34

"Det er klarinetspil af helt usædvanlig klasse, man hører på denne cd ... Den perfektionistiske svensker har en helt fabelagtig kontrol over vejrtrækning og frasering og en præcision i udtrykket, der gør, at man hænger ved hver eneste tone".


2014 septembre



Nicolas Derny

2014 septembre

Fono Forum

2024 April



Martin Demmler

2024 April

"Empfehlungen des Monats: Robert Oberaigner ... macht deutlich, welche Klangschönheit in beiden Werken stecken. Der Melancholie der späten Brahms wird sein feinsinniger, technisch brillantes Spiel ebenso gerecht wie den herausfordernden Klangkaskaden Regers".

BBC music magazine

2012 Christmas



Calum MacDonald

2012 Christmas

"Both works receive performances that understand and warmly identify with Brahms's intentions: the playing is expressive and there is an obvious love of the music throughout. The Tokyo Quartet players, in both, are a rock-steady basis for the ensemble, and the two soloists ... temper virtuosity with a fine sense of their role as an integral part of a chamber group".

The gramophone

2015 June



Duncan Druce

2015 June

"A fascinating issue, with playing of mastery and versatility".


2016 mars



Jean-Claude Hulot

2016 mars

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".

The gramophone

2016 February



Mark Pullinger

2016 February

"Sharon Kam is richer in tone than Sévère and is joined not by an established quartet but by a line-up of string soloists led by the excellent violinist Isabelle van Keulen".

BBC music magazine

2013 June



Erik Levi

2013 June

"An interpretation [of the Quartet] that displays breathtaking homogeneity of ensemble, subtle textural control and marvellous fluidity of nuance ... Kam takes infinite care to blend her wonderfully mellifluous clarinet line within the string texture, rather than opt for a more soloistic approach".

The gramophone

2013 June



David Patrick Stearns

2013 June

"Few command Brahms's string quartets the way the Jerusalem do here in Op. 51 No. 2 ... Joined by Sharon Kam in the Clarinet Quintet, the Jerusalem exude an even greater sense of freedom with much more give and take within any given tempo. Kam has lovely warm tone and seamless legato, but what sets her apart from her contemporaries is her chemistry with the quartet".

International record review

2013 May



John Warrack

2013 May

"This is a gentle, lyrical performance, of "late" music by a great composer who had thought his time was past until encouraged into composition by a great clarinettist's artistry".

The gramophone

2011 May



David Threasher

2011 May

"It goes without saying that Rysanov is musician enough to know when to take the lead and when to veil his tone to become a supporting voice; his partners match him in technical and interpretative subtlety".

The gramophone

2019 October



Arnold Whittall

2019 October

"The quirky simplicity of Sciarrino's vocabulary, far from upbeat minimalist exuberance, serves an elegy dispersed between low and very high sounds ... superbly conveyed in Reto Bieri's uncannily controlled playing. After Sciarrino, the Brahms Quintet ... seems almost oppressively fervent and refined, until the insistently melancholic tone it shares with all the music on the disc asserts its own distinctive presence ... That starkness then resonates through the fractured lyricism of Pesson's Nebenstück".

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 40, nr. 7 (2007)



Mogens Wenzel Andreasen

Årg. 40, nr. 7 (2007)

International record review

2014 July/August



Graham Rogers

2014 July/August

"Aside from the matter of a substantial part of it being a reissue, then, this well-recorded album is highly recommended".

The gramophone

2014 July



Nalen Anthoni

2014 July

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Sensuous beauty and taut sinew mingle for an interpretation whose fastidious attention to internal balance and every musical detail result in sovereign excellence, in a sovereign recording. Fröst's control instrumental colour is superfine, intensity of phrases shaped through swell and diminution of sound ... The scene-stealer, though, is the Quintet".

The gramophone

2023 September



Richard Whitehouse

2023 September

"Clarinet quintets by Brahms and Reger make an obvious coupling, that should have been taken up more widely but which Robert Oberaigner ... was ideally placed to make. Both works are often described as valedictory but, as Oberaigner hears it, this does not imply mere passivity ... With sound of real immediacy, it is an undoubted first choice for this coupling".

The gramophone

2012 December



Caroline Gill

2012 December

"The extraordinary homogeneity of sound that comes from a complete quartet of matching instruments is most apparent [Piano Quintet] ... [The Clarinet Quintet] does occasionally suffer from being a little muscled along. However, the beauty of the blend is so total that it is not difficult to put that to the back of your mind and allow yourself to be mesmerised by the overall perfection".

International record review

2012 December



Robert Matthew-Walker

2012 December

"It may well be that many will be satisfied with the performances of both works on this disc, but it is only because I belive the Tokyo String Quartet and its gifted pianist are capable of more than they exhibit here that my comments are more strongly directed to them".