Musik / opera

Clorinda e Tancredi

Anmeldelser (9)


d. 15. jan. 2007



John Christiansen

d. 15. jan. 2007

"Rolando Villazon viser stor forståelse for det tidlige 1600-tals stil og særpræg, som han kombinerer med stemmens kulinariske kvaliteter. Der er andre gode sangere i sopranen Patrizia Ciofi og tenoren Topi Lehtipuu, og det hele dirigeres af den altid spændende kvindelige barokspecialist Emmanuelle Haïm".


d. 2. jan. 2007



Jan Jacoby

d. 2. jan. 2007

"Værket er et mærkeligt eksperiment, men en mere medrivende udførelse har jeg ikke hørt ... Her føjer Villazón bl.a. en for traditionelle operasangere sjælden virtuos bevægelighed til sit passionerede og storslået formede foredrag, Lehtipuu synger med lethed, ciseleret ornamentik, delikate nuancer og et fint lune, og også Ciofi fører sin kviksølvagtige, koket kvidrende sopran med fængslende vilje til at fortælle".

Fono Forum

2018 April



Matthias Hengelbrock

2018 April

"Monteverdis berühmtes Madrigal heisst Tancredi e Clorinda ... Die Sänger reizen in ihrer Deklamation alle Extreme aus. Technisch und klanglich ist aber alles von exzellenter Qualität, und das Programm gibt einen schönen Überblick über die erotischen Madrigale aus Monteverdis Reifezeit".

BBC music magazine

2007 January



Anthony Pryer

2007 January

"Vurdering: BBC music choice" - "Recordings of Monteverdi's portrayal of the combat between Tancredi and Clorinda are not in short supply, but this is the best. It conjurs up excitement not just through speed (though it is very fast) but through the magnificent theatrical instincts of the narrator (Rolando Villazón) and the compelling involvement of the instrumentalists ... An excellent and enduring disc".

Fono Forum

2007 Januar



Richard Lorber

2007 Januar

"Monteverdi aus dem Geist von Verdi zu singen, dazu gehört Mut ... Rolando Villazón kann sich solche Verballhornungen leicht erlauben, weil selbst die Tugendwächter der historischen Aufführungspraxis vor so viel vokaler Expressivität kapitulieren müssen. Villazón hat einfach eine blendende Tenorstimme ... Das legitimatorische Rüstzeug liefert ihm Emmanuelle Haïm, die mit Sicherheit keine historischen Fehltritte geduldet hätte".

The gramophone

2018 March



Iain Fenlon

2018 March

"Much of the challenge of a succesfull performance [of Il combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda] resides in the dominant role of the narrator. Luca Dordolo captures the spirit superbly. His firm clear diction and sensitive rhetorical control, which at times moves into a kind of speech-song, extracts every last ounce of carefully calculated drama from Monteverdi's narrow vocal range ... Clorinda's affective and almost pathetic final interjection as she dies in Tancredi's arms is heart-rendingly captured by Lombardi Mazzulli ... No serious Monteverdian will want to be without it".

The gramophone

2007 February



Richard Lawrence

2007 February

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "What a pleasure it is to welcome these recordings of Monteverdi madrigals ... quite outstanding. The big surprise is the casting of Rolando Villazón as the narrator in the Combattimento ... Villazón shoulders it with relish. Celebrated in Verdi and Massenet, he brings a heroic vigour to the "agitated" passages ... Le Concert d'Astreé and Emmanuelle Haïm give admirable support".


2006 décembre



Piotr Kaminski

2006 décembre

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or" - "On ne demande pas à un Diapason D'or d'être parfait, on lui demande d'être unique, exceptionnel, introuvable ... C'est Villazon qui est ici "le mâle dominant" et ce sont ses 35 minutes qui valent à ce disque notre récompense suprême, ainsi qu'une place au Panthéon phonographique montéverdien".

International record review

2007 January



Hugh Canning

2007 January

"I feel about Villazón's singing of Monteverdi much as I feel about Bach's harpsichord music on the piano - it may not be what the composer imagined or intended but it brings the text and music so thrillingly to life that I would feel poorer for not hearing it ... Purely from the vocal point of view, this is a wonderfully engaging performance, intense, committed, breathtakingly virtuosic ... Not all Monteverdians will be pleased, but this is a disc I will return to often".