Musik / klassisk musik 1950 ->

Crazy girl crazy

Anmeldelser (7)

The guardian

d. 14. sep. 2017



Kate Molleson

d. 14. sep. 2017

"Hannigan opens this album with a reminder, in no shy terms, of what a stupidly seductive vocalist she is. She flits, warbles and giggles through Berio's high-wire Sequenza III from 1965; she has a way of making everything just float ... Her fierce musicianship is never in doubt ... Her effortless style is bewitching".

Presto classical

d. 22. sep. 2017



Katherine Cooper

d. 22. sep. 2017

"Recording of the week: What strikes me about Hannigan's performance [of the Sequenza] is its lucidity: the overall effect here is of a personality gradually warming into focus rather than disintegrating before our ears ... Hannigan and Elliott play up the affinity between Berg's jazz-inflected score and the big band sound-world of Girl Crazy so that the link (which could sound contrived on paper) comes across as entirely natural".

MusicWeb international

2017 September



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2017 September

"Hannigan has developed the Crazy Girl Crazy programme as "a hall of mirrors" in which the Berio and Gershwin pieces serve as "reflections of Lulu from varying angles and stages of her life. Her blood runs through the veins of all three works presented here ... It's a formidable achievement ... It's clear that Hannigan has great affection and enthusiasm for Gershwin's music ... An imaginative programme concept and excellent performances".

Fono Forum

2018 Mai



Michael Kube

2018 Mai

"Für dieses Konzept-Album hat Barbara Hannigan ein Programm gefunden, das sich hören lassen kann ... Für den Hörer entfaltet sich ein bemerkenswerter Kosmos - zumal die Lulu-Suite in meiner Erinnerung selten einmal so durchsichtig, dynamischer breit und klar zu hören war und damit noch mehr an Reiz gewinnt. Hannigan, stimmlich gestaltend über jeden Zweifel erhaben, setzt damit auch als Maestra einen herausragenden Akzent".

BBC music magazine

2017 December



Steph Power

2017 December

"Recording of the month: Crazy Girl Crazy is an album that - just like its muse and protagonist - flouts the rules ... The litheness of Hannigan's voice beguiles, so that the near-segue into the Lulu Suite (1934) comes as a sense-sharpening emotional jolt ... It's a highly personal, sensual reading; lavish with orchestral detail and, when it comes, a spellbinding Lied der Lulu".

Vurdering : 5/5.

The gramophone

2017 October



Tim Ashley

2017 October

"Purists might jib at Hannigan's reharmonization of Gershwin, complete with note rows and Ligeti tone clusters, though her vocals are exuberant and the playing stylish. It's Sequenza III, however, written for Berio's muse Cathy Berberian, that is the high point. Transposed upwards it acquires both an unnerving vulnerability and a tentative optimism".


2017, nr. 78



Johanna Paulsson

2017, nr. 78

"På scen har hon för länge sedan gjort den till sin, rollen som Lulu. Och så värst galen är hon ju egentligen inte, varken den kanadensiska sopranen eller Alban Bergs destruktiva femme fatale. Albumet "Crazy Girl Crazy" är Barbara Hannigans skivdebut i egenskap av både sångsolist och dirigent. En dubbelroll, där hon tycks helt och hållet ett med musiken och Amsterdambaserade Ludwig Orchestra ... Långtifrån galen, men djärv nog att våga utmana standardrepertoaren med ett genialisk upplagt självporträtt".