Musik / klassiske symfonier

Symphony no. 8

Anmeldelser (43)

Classics today




Victor aCarr


"However, it's in the singing where the performance's true strength lies, especially the female soloists, whose trio passages are exquisite. But that's not enough to make this a recommendable Mahler Eighth, especially in light of the alternative versions listed above. For Haitink fans and audiophiles only".

MusicWeb international

2013 March



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2013 March

"Stenz leads an excellent account of the extended orchestral introduction to Part II. He and his musicians generate plenty of atmosphere and not only is the playing very good indeed but also the Oehms engineers report it with great clarity ... This is a considerable recording of the Eighth and it's a splendid addition to the Stenz cycle. Indeed, I believe it's one of the best issues in the series to date".

MusicWeb international

2024 January



Ralph Moore (musikanmelder)

2024 January

"Recording of the month: This is presumably the penultimate release in Osmo Vänskä's ongoing series of recordings of Mahler's symphonies ... The mixed reception from MusicWeb reviewers given to them hitherto would suggest that Vänskä is not regarded, on this site at least, as an entirely successful interpreter of that music, but this latest is the best yet ... This is a recording to convince you of Mahler's conviction that his Eighth Symphony was his greatest work. It isn't necessarily better than established favourites like ... Abbado, Bernstein and Tennstedt, but it is a very fine, modern version".

MusicWeb international

2024 February



Jim Westhead

2024 February

"Recommended: This quite simply magnificent recording is a triumph all around. The orchestra are on top form; the soloists are uniformly excellent; and the four choirs, superbly balanced, sing out with impressive effect, whether quietly or in full-throated abandon. The organ part is highly effective all along. The final seconds of the Chorus Mysticus are overwhelming, as the repeated crashing of the large tam-tam adds its unique tones to the glorious ensemble ... Not everyone will be carried away by the gradual crescendo of the last five or six minutes, but I am exceptionally pleased to be spirited away! To attend the live performance must have been a musical experience to remember and cherish".

MusicWeb international

2022 May



Ralph Moore (musikanmelder)

2022 May

"Its hyperbolical nickname might be Symphony of a Thousand but the mere 400 performers here sound sufficient to impart the requisite weight to Mahler's grandiose conception of "blending the human and the divine" ... The Tiffin Boys' Choir in particular is to be congratulated for the way in which their young voices penetrate the great wall of sound generated by the three other massed choirs ... As with other famous, large choral pieces ... just keeping it together is a feat in itself and Vladimir Jurowski assuredly does that - and more ... Any performance - and recording - of this still-controversial choral symphony is an event and there is a great deal to enjoy here, even if my reservations about the sound and some of the solo singing mean that it does not replace my favourites".


d. 15. jan. 2008



Thomas Stolting

d. 15. jan. 2008

"Boulez fortolkning af "Sinfonie der Tausend" er bestemt vellykket ... Det er et værk, der i den grad kræver en dirigent, som har fornemmelse for form og struktur, to ting som mange ikke uden grund netop forbinder med Boulez ... Boulez søger hele tiden en relativ slank orkesterklang, og det er netop medvirkende til, at værkets musikalske struktur hele tiden fremstår med en imponerende klarhed. Statskapelle Berlin spiller fremragende, og der er en god balance mellem de enkelte instrumentgrupper".

Berlingske tidende

d. 17. okt. 2007



Søren H. Schauser

d. 17. okt. 2007

"Resultatet er storslået, overvældende smukt, helt igennem barn af Boulez’ gennemborende baton. Hvad går dybest til hjertet: At det skønne Staatskapelle Berlin spiller som en drøm? At de syv solister engagerer sig som på en operascene? Sjovt nok ingen af delene. Det mest fantastiske er dette fingeraftryk, Boulez sætter ... Boulez indspilninger af Mahlers livsværk er dødspændende og vil blive stående mange år fremover".


d. 13. juli 2021



Henrik Friis (f. 1978)

d. 13. juli 2021

"'Tusindsymfonien', som den kaldes, fordi den kræver enormt mange medvirkende ... Det er Los Angeles Philharmonichs og deres karismatiske chefdirigent, Gustavo Dudamel, der i 2019 kastede sig over det sjældent spillede værk som led i en serie med alle Mahlers symfonier. Og de sørger for et højt tempo i de vilde passager og godt med ro til refleksion i de langsomme, så der er livgivende variation i de lange udgydelser undervejs ... Når det spidser til, er der næsten 350 personer i lydbilledet ... Nogle gange mærker man solisterne bryde ind mellem horn og violiner, andre gange dukker børnekoret op - indtil det hele efter 20 minutter samler sig til en vild kulmination ... Solisterne, Dudamel har valgt, er rigtig operaagtige sangere med brede vibrerende stemmer, der synger sig helt ud i hårdt spændte sanglinjer".


d. 26. feb. 2010



John Christiansen

d. 26. feb. 2010

"Her et af de allerbedste bud på den store ottende ... Det inderlige og det storladne veksler. Michael Tilson Thomas behersker det prægnant klare orkesterspil og kæmpeapparatet med kor, børnekor og otte solister perfekt ... Helhedsindtrykket er ikke ekstatisk, men mere køligt, men sådan rives man med af selve musikken".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 24. okt. 2007



Mikael Garnæs

d. 24. okt. 2007

"Hvad Boulez gør med værket er dybt imponerende. Hvor en Leonard Bernstein fyldte Mahlers musik med varmt blod og rødglødende passioner, som komponistens hengivne apostel, er Boulez i øjenhøjde med Mahler med en suverænt nøgtern, gennemlyst og gennemtænkt fortolkning. Han styrer sine mange medvirkende ... så ubesværet, som var det kammermusik. Selvfølgelig uden at den monumentalitet, som er en del af værket, går tabt ... En mesterpræstation præget af åndeligt overskud ... Også de medvirkende musikere og sangere fortjener stor ros".


d. 4. aug. 2008



John Christiansen

d. 4. aug. 2008

"Den store ottende symfoni ... kræver overblik og klarhed af sin dirigent, som også må have sans for de store effekter. Pierre Boulez og Staatskapelle Berlin har ingen problemer med den gennemhørbare struktur, og effekten følger, selv om man også hører kampen for at få den frem".

Fono Forum

2012 Dezember



Thomas Schulz (f. 1960)

2012 Dezember

"Auf eines kommt es Stenz, zumindest in der Achten, jedoch nicht an: Die Überwältigung des Hörers ... Etwas anders liegen die Dinge im ersten Satz: Da vermisst man nun doch das pfingstliche Brausen".


2008, nr. 8



Bo Holten

2008, nr. 8

"Sangerholdet forekommer mig ujævnt, og hvad værre er: Boulez synes ikke at have greb om det væsentlige i denne musik: dens nervøse og ekstatiske bevægelsesmønster ... Der er pletvis fine solistpræstationer, men det er, som om de ikke synger med i samme værk, i samme interpretation. Der mangler en samlet vision. Orkesterspillet og korpræstationerne er glimrende, simpelthen".

BBC music magazine

2013 October



David Nice

2013 October

"Jansons' line up of Wagnerian soloists for this live Concertgebouw Mahler spectacular is possibly the most impressive since Georg Solti's classic 1971 recording ... If this still doesn't rise quite to the top of my list of recorded Mahler Eights, it's partly because Jansons doesn't 'do' impetuous from the outset as Mahler asks".

BBC music magazine

2009 June



David Breckbill

2009 June

"As a strictly aural experience, however, the most distinctive feature of this release is the resonance - or, to be blunt, the muddiness - of the recorded sound".

Fono Forum

2020 Februar



Clemens Haustein

2020 Februar

"Es mag Einspielungen der "Sinfonie der Tausend" geben, bei denen deutlich bessere Gesangssolisten und Chöre beteiligt sind als hier ... Schlankheit im Ton und Durchhörbarkeit bringen einen Mahler-Klang, der die Komplexität dieser Musik direkt nachvollbar macht. Und als versierter Opernsdirigent schafft es Fischer, einen weiten Spannungsbogen zu schlagen über den riesigen zweiten Teil der Sinfonie".


2020 juillet-août



Christophe Huss

2020 juillet-août

Fono Forum

2024 Juni



Götz Thieme

2024 Juni

BBC music magazine

2024 February



David Nice

2024 February

"If only the whole of this impressive performance were as assured as the first part ... The problem, as so often with interpretations of the big operatic act that is Part Two, is one of overall pace and difficult casting among the all-important soloists ... The trio of 'penitent women', dynamically careful, is a real beauty ... The amateur choruses catch the fervour of the event, and a seraphic trumpet distinguishes the final massive optimism".


2022 juin



Christophe Huss

2022 juin

International record review

2008 October



David Gutman

2008 October

"In music he treated more dynamically during his own LSO tenure, Tilson Thomas allows many (too many?) passages the space to reveal hitherto unsuspected beauties at the expense of forward drive".

The gramophone

2013 February



Ken Smith

2013 February

"This performance conversely succeeds where most Mahler Eights fall short".

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 41, nr. 2 (2008)



Mogens Wenzel Andreasen

Årg. 41, nr. 2 (2008)

"Forbløffende som denne forhenværende avantgarde-komponist kan forløse denne super-senromantiske følelsesbetonede musik og gøre det som næppe nogen anden ... Her har han en række ukendte sangere, et par fremragende kor og et godt, men ikke specielt berømt orkester til at hjælpe sig, og resultatet er unikt ... Der er ikke brug for andre Mahler 8'er. Den er her indspillet én gang for alle".

The gramophone

2007 Awards



Edward Seckerson

2007 Awards

"But there's no doubt that for some Boulez will be a blessing on the purpler passages of part 2. There is a crystalline beauty to so much of the music here above the ether, and never mind that Boulez sounds decidely inhibited among the angels ... he at least conveys a Mssiaen-like sense of wonder on the way to redemption".

The gramophone

2013 September



Edward Seckerson

2013 September

"Vurdering: Gramophone choice" - "Jansons keeps the music moving and gives himself something to pull back from in the biggest tuttis ... And he has a shining Christine Brewer as his first soprano popping those top Bs and Cs above the stave ... Jansons is ... up there among the select front-runners".

The gramophone

2009 June



David Gutman

2009 June

"Vurdering: G (Gramophone recommends)" - "A sumptuous souvenir of the climax to Gergiev's controversial Mahler cycle".

International record review

2009 April



Robert Matthew-Walker

2009 April

"Vurdering: IRR outstanding" - "The playing is extraordinarily impressive throughout ... This is a great disc, and no mistake. It is the first to which I am glad to give the "IRR outstanding" applation. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise".

Berlingske tidende

d. 18. apr. 2001


d. 18. apr. 2001

The gramophone

2019 December



Edward Seckerson

2019 December

"The end result is disappointing, not just on account of its failure to blow one's socks off sonically but because, for various reasons, it fails to engage emotionally. Overwhelming it is not ... Regular readers will know how much I have loved other instalments in this cycle - and perhaps I will again. But it's interesting that the arrival of vocal elements seems to have stalled the magic for Fischer".

The gramophone

2024 January



Edward Seckerson

2024 January

"The manifold beauties ... are embraced by Vänskä with great lucidity and an abundance of inner detail, the woodwind especially pulling focus from the voices quite poetically ... Not by any means a first choice, then, in visionary terms but well worth a listen for its many beautiful observations, its first-rate engineering, and excellent soloists".

Klassisk musik

2005, nr. 5


2005, nr. 5

International record review

2010 June



Nigel Simeone

2010 June

"This is a very impressive release, and an exhilarating performance of the Symphony of a Thousand to which I shall return with immense pleasure".

The gramophone

2010 July



Edward Seckerson

2010 July

"Part 1 never quite transcends the letter of the score ... Zinman is too deliberate to convey much more than the scale of the event ... Part 2 brings out the best in Zinman ... The last 20 minutes are very lovely, thanks in part to the exquisite Juliane Banse".

The gramophone

2021 December



Peter Quantrill

2021 December

"Editor's choice: The hesitant, broken - and impeccably articulated - syllables of the chorus picking their way through Goethe's rocky landscape ... Stephen Gadd picks up the thread with a magnificently declaimed Pater Ecstaticus before Matthew Rose replies as an iron-black Alberich to his Wotan ... All come and go in the score, brought together by Mahler (and Jurowski) ... Does it all add up? Very much so ... The LPO Live label already boasts one Eighth - Tennstedt, live in the same venue in 1991 - worthy of a place at the summit of the Eighth's discography. Now it has a second".


d. 27. apr. 1999


d. 27. apr. 1999


d. 5. okt. 1999


d. 5. okt. 1999

Informationer og udgaver