
David et Jonathas

Anmeldelser (4)

International record review

2013 July/August



Roger Pines

2013 July/August

"The performance's underlying musical integrity and flawless pacing stem above all from the conductor William Christie and the orchestral players of Les Arts Florissants ... One expects superlative diction from the native speakers in this cast, but one also get it from Welsh bass-baritone Neal Davies (Saul), singing and acting here with harrowing intensity ... All in all, this release merits a very strong recommendation. 'Bravi' to Christie, Homoki, Charbonneau et al.".

BBC music magazine

2013 November



Jan Smaczny

2013 November

"Complemeting these excellent soloists is a chorus which sings expertly while delivering sterling dramatic commitment, if slightly edgy production".

Vurdering (performance): 5/5.

Vurdering (picture & sound): 4/5.

Fono Forum

2013 September



Manuel Brug

2013 September

"William Christie ... dirigiert mit gewohnter Zartheit und Klarheit seine Les Arts Florissants, aus deren Vokalgarten auch die meist unbekannten Sänger entsprossen sind. Neben verlässlichen Namen ... gefallen hier Pascal Charbonneau und die Sopranistin Ana Quintas in den Titelpartien ... Fazit: eine Annäherung an das Werk, keine Erfüllung".

The gramophone

2013 September



David Vickers

2013 September

"Christie supervises an authoritative performance - although it is an uneasy incongruity that the drabness of the production (cloth caps and trilbies for Israelites; fezzes for Philistines) is at odds with a few sensuous pastoral passages and a victorious final chorus (which is predictably undermined by ironic stage action)".