Musik / operaarier


Anmeldelser (5)

Presto classical

d. 28. mar. 2018



Katherine Cooper

d. 28. mar. 2018

"Editor's choices - March 2018: This terrific road to hell is paved with more than mere good intentions: Degout is a born tragedien, stirring up pity and terror in every phrase and singing with the same sonorous authority and immediacy that made his Chorèbe on John Nelsons's recent Les Troyens such a resounding triumph. Rameau and Gluck both sound startlingly modern in the hands of Pichon and his musicians, shot through with anticipations of Berlioz and even Wagner".


d. 4. aug. 2018



Thomas Michelsen

d. 4. aug. 2018

"Ensemblet fra operaen i Bordeaux forener fantastiske musikere og sangere med speciale i den franske baroks og 1700-tallets musik. Og her kan man roligt belave sig på gys og gru. Operakomponisten Jean-Philippe Rameaus musik satser nemlig på farver og effekter, og den fylder meget på Enfers, hvor det bestandig tordner og brager, og hvor man hører Helvede åbne sig i hans opera Zoroastre ... Centralt står den stærke franske baryton Stéphane Degout ... Men det er virkelig gysende godt, det man skal lytte til, og ... efter bulder, brag, furier og monstre kommer - gud ske tak og lov - fred, fryd og gammen".

BBC music magazine

2018 June



Berta Joncus

2018 June

"Recording of the month: Above groaning choruses, gnashing dissonances and a thunderous period band, baritone Stéhane Degout reigns. His artistry is this project's true raison d'être ... His sonorities are rich, his acting is reiveting, and his musicianship is precocious ... Degout possesses the rare facility to mix raw muscle with the subtlest caresses ... In the infernal symphonies that pepper Enfers, the band attacks the score with an almost fiendish ferocity. The chorus similarly snarls its way through its Stygian statements, unafraid to sound ugly ... Don't miss this rollercoaster ride through the underworld!".

Fono Forum

2018 August



Christoph Vratz

2018 August

"Singender Protagonist ist der Bariton Stéphane Degout ... Er ist sicher nicht der Kernigste, Kraftmeiderndste seiner Gilde, und wer ein stimmliches Dauer-Furioso bevorzugt, wird vielleicht enttäuscht. Bei Degout läuft vieler feiner ab, schattiger, nuancierter, das Forte weniger bellend. Das passt insgesamt gut zur Ästhetik des Ensembles Pygmalion, das nicht nur pralles Risiko sucht, sondern auch mit minimalen Abstufungen arbeitet ... Die CD ist gespickt mit prallen Effekten und plastischer Gestik - aber nicht nur. Die Mischung aus grellen und gedeckten Farben macht die Aufnahme so wertvoll ... Ein akustischer Thriller, klug konzipiert und musikalisch hochrangig umgesetzt".

The gramophone

2018 May



Richard Lawrence

2018 May

"Editor's choice: Start by ignoring the contents of the booklet ... and go straight to playing the music. You will then enjoy a fine selection of excerpts from operas by Rameau and Gluck ... Degout does rise splendidly to the climax of 'Monstre affreux' from Dardanus ... The Pygmalion chorus comes into its own in sections of the Requiem ... Forget the 'end of time' conceit and marvel at the music, so winningly performed by Pygmalion and Raphaël Pichon".