Musik / solosang

Epic : Lieder & Balladen

Anmeldelser (6)

The guardian

d. 19. mar. 2020



Erica Jeal

d. 19. mar. 2020

"Here is a disc that lives up to its title. The baritone Stéphane Degout and pianist Simon Lepper give us a stormy sequence of songs and ballads, most of them steeped in the German Romantic tradition, all of them delivered with the dramatic sense of true storytellers ... There's some seriously superb singing on this disc: throughout, there's the thrill of hearing a big voice perfectly calibrated to the music in hand, used with absolutely security. Degout never loses control, never tips over the line even if he sometimes seems to be standing on the edge, dangling one foot over the abyss. It's quite a performance".

Presto classical

d. 1. apr. 2020



Katherine Cooper

d. 1. apr. 2020

"Editor's choices - March 2020: Red in tooth and claw, this macabre collection of Gothic tales is one of the best things I've heard all year: Degout and Lepper spin these ripping yarns to perfection, so that even if you already know what fate has in store for Wolf's Feuerreiter or Schumann's Belsatzar the pair will still have you on the edge of your seat".

BBC music magazine

2020 June



Natasha Loges

2020 June

"Degout's superb voice sounds wonderfully virile throughout his impressive range ... In the more testosterone-driven songs, he sounds suitably heroic ... Felicity Palmer has a magnificent cameo as Edward's ghastly mother in Brahms's setting of the eponymous ballad ... Lepper is supremely unhurried throughout, spinning out the suspense and bringing welcome gravitas to these macabre stories".

Fono Forum

2020 Oktober



Johannes Schmitz

2020 Oktober

"Mit hervorragender Diktion überzeugt der französische Bariton Stéphane Degout in einem Repertoire, das wie kein anderes von der Behandlung der Sprache lebt ... Degout verfügt über eine volle dramatische Baritonstimme mit dunkler Grundfarbe - und atemberaubender Höhe ... Pianist Simon Lepper neigt ebenfalls nicht zur Verzärtelung, seine Lyrik bleibt auch bei den himmlischen Verzückungen Liszts handfest".


2020 avril



Sylvain Fort

2020 avril

The gramophone

2020 May



David Patrick Stearns

2020 May

"Though never just another pretty baritone voice, Stéphane Degout takes his dramatic sensibility to a new level in this 'Lieder & Balladen' collection ... What a great surprise to hear Dame Felicity Palmer making every note and word count as the hectoring mother in Brahms's 'Edward'. It's almost worth the whole album".