Musik / operafilm


Anmeldelser (6)

Presto classical




"Euryanthe is music of inspiration and originality such as is rarely found in the history of German opera in the first half of the nineteenth century. The Italianisms that are occasionally glimpsed in Freischütz are eliminated almost completely. Euryanthe is set to music in its entirety, with accompanied recitative passages that are often of great beauty ... The present production features a cast of specialists of German opera and the outstanding direction of Pier Luigi Pizzi".

MusicWeb international

2020 July



Mike Parr (musikanmelder)

2020 July

"Recommended: The singers are a splendid group indeed. Jacquelyn Wagner is a true find as Euryanthe. Her soprano voice glows and soars in just the way one would hope. She presents an honest and stabilizing heroine and is helped by her physical beauty ... Norman Reinhardt's Adolar is a veritable feast of lyrical singing. He delivers his phrases with elegant line and mellifluous tone ... Stefan Cerny is a very sympathetic and stabilizing presence as King Ludwig, singing with authoritative yet sensitive tone ... Constantin Trinks directs a lovingly nurtured unfolding of Weber's fantastic score. He essays a perfect balance of classical restraint with outright Wagnerian urgency and the orchestra with its very talented French horn section rises magnificently to the occasion. The Arnold Schoenberg choir really is on splendid form here and they enter into their stage roles with real abandon".


d. 8. jan. 2007



John Christiansen

d. 8. jan. 2007

"Webers sjældent spillede Euryanthe har megen dejlig musik. Opførelsen i Cagliari hæver sig dog ikke over den hæderlige mellemvare med sangere, som slår til uden at give speciel nydelse".


2020, nr. 57



Steen Chr. Steensen

2020, nr. 57

"Instruktør Christof Loy er gået radikalt til værks og har skabt en udgave ... hvor musik og scene hænger sammen ... Den amerikanske sopran Jacquelyn Wagner fremstiller en ung blond, blåøjet Euryanthe ... Hendes sopran bliver nemt presset, men det kommer til at passe med den nervøsitet, som rollen lægger op til. Et helt anderledes vokalt overskud har den amerikanske tenor Norman Reinhardt i rollen som Adolar ... Constantin Trinks sørger for et orkesterspil. der når ud i alle hjørner af Carl Maria von Webers romantiske partitur".

Fono Forum

2020 August



Manuel Brug

2020 August

"Christof Loy arbeitet sich mit Furor ab an dem abstrusen Prüfungsstück als Wette um Treue, Scham und Schuld, Wahnsinn und wundersame Auferstehung ... Unterstützt wird er von einer sehr ordnentlichen Besetzung. Die agiert kammermusikalisch als Quartett der vier Hauptfiguren. Die Euryanthe von Jacqueline Wagner spielt somnambul, singt jugendlich dramatisch direkt ... Das ORF-Radiosymphonieorchester unter Constantin Trinks mach musikalisch spannendes, farbensattes Drama. Verlässlich wie stets: der Arnold Schoenberg Chor".

The gramophone

2020 June



Mike Ashman

2020 June

"It's a classic example of the modern minimalist staging that Christof Loy has been perfecting over the years ... Like much of Loy's recent work the production is set in a large white room with minimal furniture. The cast is dressed formally as if for a modern concert ... Economy throughout is the watchword here ... The cast and their movements mirror up to their characters - the 'goodies' Euryanthe and Adolar tall and fair and more stately, the 'baddies' Eglantine and Lysiart shorter and darker and more bendy and flexible ... But do not damage the impression that, under Constantin Trinks's well-judged handling of both dynamics and dramatic atmosphere, this is the most approachable and effective Euryanthe yet in the current catalogues".