Musik / rock

Fast food

Anmeldelser (2)





David Jeffries


"The beautiful musical twisting during "Big Hands" proves Shah is more than just a wounded wordsmith, while producer and co-writer Ben Hiller returns to paint everything a Depeche Mode- or Elbow-styled shade of black. With dangerous come-ons like "Check your pulse when I speak," the album's shocking cover art is a suitable mix of beauty and blood, and even if the first cut is the deepest, second album Fast Food is still wicked sharp".

The guardian

d. 9. apr. 2015



Maddy Costa

d. 9. apr. 2015

"Shah often comes across as agitated and betrayed by love: in the film-noir rush of Stealing Cars, her voice yearning over clattery percussion; or the way Divided (about a long-distance relationship) and the strikingly sultry Big Hands erupt with melodies that run counter to each song's rhythm. But still she falls, helplessly, as if hypnotised, a motion she celebrates in Nothing Else to Do with such perfumed languor that it's hard not to fall in love back".

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