Musik / folkemusik

Folk songs


Summary: Kronos Quartet joins forces with labelmates Sam Amidon, Olivia Chaney, Rhiannon Giddens, and Natalie Merchant for this collection of traditional folk songs with contemporary arrangements.

Anmeldelser (3)





Mark Deming


" With the exception of Giddens' sprightly take on "Lullaby," the tone of the vocal performances is somber, with these songs depicting tragic and unfortunate circumstances. Though Kronos' accompaniment is superb throughout, their arrangements are generally subtle and never upstage the singers. In fact, the quartet's attack imaginatively meshes with the tone and spirit of the vocalists ... The instrumental version of "Last Kind Words" is a memorable blend of percussive pizzicato lines and bluesy sway that suggests this album could have been nearly as strong without the work of the vocalists, fine as they are (especially Giddens and Merchant, both of whom rise to this challenge with flying colors). Folk Songs is a smart and emotionally effective exploration of the folk tradition that respects musical history without being chained to it, and it's an experiment the Kronos Quartet would do well to repeat in the future".


d. 16. juni 2017



Ralf Christensen

d. 16. juni 2017

"[Kronos Quartet har] sprængt rammerne for strygekvartetters repertoirer ved at arbejde med Thelonious Monks sange, argentinske Astor Piazzollas tango, med afrikanske komponister, med mexicansk folklore og nu også amerikansk, britisk og fransk ditto på det nye album Folk Songs. Der er fire sangere (...), og især Amidon, Giddens og Merchant finder hver deres smukke fortolkningsspor. Amidon smukt vaklende, Merchant sobert knejsende, Giddens med en vibrerende klang af dirrende ædeltræ. Kronos Quartet vrider i arrangement og udførsel de mest forunderlige klange, lys og stemninger ud af de traditionelle forlæg, men holder sig samtidig ret så meget i baggrunden, måske næsten for meget. Hvilket demonstreres ganske tydeligt på den instrumentale fortolkning af »Last Kind Words«, hvor Giddens bidrager med groft filet soloviolin - i dén melodilinje, hvor der oprindeligt var ord. Det er en perle. Ja, i det hele taget er Kronos Quartets manøvre med at skrive - endnu nogle stykker -folkloreud som partitur fornem. De fire amerikanere finder potentiale for nye smukke brudflader og lysbrydninger i arvegodset og finder sig til rette i en økoton mellem klassisk musik og folkemusik".


2017 July



Ken Hunt

2017 July

"Ignore the insipid title, "Folk Songs" is a game changer. After weeks of scratching around for comparisons as thought-provoking and exactly right for the situation, only one stayed the course. And that is Fairport Convention's "Liege & Lief"".