Musik / rock

For This we fought the battle of ages

Anmeldelser (2)


d. 30. aug. 2016



Brice Ezell

d. 30. aug. 2016

"Doom is a genre that's easy to parody: just make sure you've got chunky guitar strums, achingly slow drumbeats, and growls reminiscent of an Orc - then it's off to the races. It's rare that a band can stick to one sound, even a distinctive one, and make it feel exciting with every new go-around, but SubRosa is a rare kind of band. Overfamiliarity can become a problem for even the most progressive of groups, but thus far it hasn't hindered SubRosa".


d. 29. aug. 2016



Grayson Haver Currin

d. 29. aug. 2016

"On their fourth full-length, the Salt Lake City doom band SubRosa take inspiration from a 100-year-old dystopian novel about a modern surveillance state. The resulting album is their best yet. For This We Fought the Battle of the Ages - the fourth album by Salt Lake City doom-and-drama masters SubRosa - takes its inspiration from We, an almost 100-year-old dystopian novel by Russian writer Yevgeny Zamyatin ... Zamyatin was an architect of what has become an idiom. And few doom bands operate with the urgency and inclusion of SubRosa, a group that's made an album you can't escape about a world you wish you could".