Musik / rock

The plague within

Anmeldelser (2)


d. 6. juni 2015




d. 6. juni 2015

"Fan opinions and tastes regarding the pros and cons of an album, are nothing but highly subjective. However, it should be stressed that with the The Plague Within album, the veterans of doom and gloom are resisting decay with style, not falling off the high standards they have set over the years".

Metal injection

d. 23. juni 2015



Christopher Luedtke

d. 23. juni 2015

"We're halfway through 2015 and if you haven't been impressed by a doom record yet then it's time you got a hold of The Plague Within. Its the kind of album that resonates with you long after it's done. And it keeps you coming back time and time again. Paradise Lost have put out possibly their strongest release ever. This album broods and builds more with each subsequent listen. And each time you feel a little more entangled in its web".