Musik / folk

Getting into knives

Anmeldelser (3)


d. 29. okt. 2020



Evan Rytlewski

d. 29. okt. 2020

"Recorded in Memphis before lockdown, the Mountain Goats' second album of 2020 is lush and loose, full of stories about personal fulfillment, in whatever form it takes".

Rolling stone

d. 23. okt. 2020



Jonathan Bernstein

d. 23. okt. 2020

"John Darnielle keeps his songwriting roll going ... The band's latest has great songs inspired by unlikely subject matter like tweets and goldfish".


2020 December



Chris Nelson

2020 December

"'Getting Into Knives' makes a case that Mountain Goats' secret weapon is Darnielle's rational voice. He consistently sounds like a man who has weighed every word sung. So we trust him. We trust that a victim's revenge is justified in the title track. We trust him with mysteries. Who is, in "Picture Of My Dress", this cross-country trekker who takes photos of a beloved garment? A bride on the run cherishing broken chains? A trans person on the road to self-acitualisation? With Mountain Goats we ocassionally wonder, but more times than not, we care".