Musik / rock

Glow & behold

Anmeldelser (2)


d. 30. sep. 2013



Helen Clarke

d. 30. sep. 2013

"Glow And Behold has its ups and downs and isn't quite the coherent, self assured package that its predecessor was; instead it's the sound of a band reconfiguring, trying to work out which way to go and what to do next. But to have carved a handful of gems at this stage of their career is commendable".


d. 29. sep. 2013



Kevin Korber

d. 29. sep. 2013

"The simple joys of the first album are still there on Glow & Behold, but one can't help but be slightly disappointed by the result. Part of that may come from the fact that the album sounds a little too similar to their debut, as the closest the band comes to changing their core sound are the more shoegaze flourishes on "Lose My Breath" and "Rebirth". Admittedly, this is something they do well since they've managed to find a healthy balance of ethereal guitar noise and primal rocking that managed to elude some of the original bands from that era. Still, it's not enough to shake off the feeling that the band is creatively stalled".