Musik / pop

I disagree

Anmeldelser (4)

The observer

d. 12. jan. 2020



Tara Joshi

d. 12. jan. 2020

"It's a cartoonish record that is at once garish, sweet and over the top, the rollicking candyfloss pop of tracks such as Concrete masking lines about wanting to be buried and turned into a street. Stark contortions are at the album's centre: shouting, spiky guitars and clashing electro are met with soft, dissonant harmonies (the standout title track is a thrilling distillation of all of the above). Overall, an enjoyable, imaginative and at times uncanny assault on the senses".


d. 10. jan. 2020



Will Richards

d. 10. jan. 2020

"Poppy is the living embodiment that change is a good thing. 'I Disagree' is her most accomplished record, full of daring theatre and snarling forward motion. While all our favourite rock bands are going pop, Poppy is unapologetically embracing her desire to go heavy. It might be inspired by the bands she grew up listening to, but there's not a moment on 'I Disagree' that feels like a throwback. Try and keep up with her".





Neil Z. Yeung


"Starting in late 2018, pop artist and Internet personality Poppy teased a drastic stylistic shift, moving beyond the alt-pop earworms that amassed a cult following and embracing her metal-loving side. Disregarding genre restrictions, the result of that evolution, I Disagree, is a metallic storm, informed by pulsing beats, thrashing riffs, and crushing breakdowns ... As both a symbolic avatar for her life changes and a strong empowerment statement, I Disagree celebrates Poppy's rebirth as a pop-metal alchemist and unabashed rule-breaker".


d. 15. jan. 2020



Kjartan F. Stolberg

d. 15. jan. 2020

"Poppys popmetal knuser murene, der adskiller modsatrettede musikgenrer ... Poppy kalder selv 'I Disagree' for post-genre (...) Der er lidt powerpop hist, lidt metalcore her, noget electro-industrial ét sted og noget dreampop andetsteds. Men den betegnelse har altså alligevel fat i noget. For albummet formår at have en samlende identitet ... Albummet skifter lyd, når det er tiltrængt - eller når kontrasterne får noget særligt spændende frem i hinanden. Derfor føles 'I Disagree' frisk gang på gang ... At værket har sammenhængskraft er dog selvfølgelig kun værd at bemærke, hvis musikken er god i første omgang - og det er den! 'I Disagree' er en rutsjebanetur i modsætningernes verden ... Poppy bryder genrenormer på 'I Disagree' - ikke blot i forholdet mellem pop og metal, men mellem et utal af stilarter".

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