Musik / renæssance -> 1600

Il terzo libro de' madrigali

Anmeldelser (4)

MusicWeb international

2020 November



Stuart Sillitoe

2020 November

"Over the years, Rinaldo Alessandrini and his ensemble, Concerto Italiano, have proved themselves to be one of the pre-eminent interpreters of the music of Claudio Monteverdi. This disc is the latest in a long line of recordings ... This disc fits in nicely. Its strong articulation and dramatic declamations from the ensemble make one take notice from the very first notes ... Concerto Italiano are perfectly balanced and well drilled by Alessandrini. The recording may be one of the finest on disc".

Fono Forum

2021 März



Reinmar Emans

2021 März

"Diese fünfstimmigen Stücke von 1592 sind deutlich am Text entlang komponiert ... Den hier versammelten gelingt die musikalisch affektive Umsetzung bestens, wobei (fast) jedes Wort verständlich ist. Der Ensembleklang bleibt durchgehend von den individuellen Stimmen geprägt".

The gramophone

2021 May



Alexandra Coghlan

2021 May

"The obvious comparison is with La Venexiana's fine recording on Glossa - probably the go-to up until now ... With Concerto Italiano we get more chiaroscuro in the tone, a broader canvas and bigger gestures that feel more organic than La Venexiana's occasionally micromanaged articulation. Ultimately both are recordings to return to, a complementary pair that keep the debate over words and music very much alive".

International record review

2008 July/August



Robert Levett

2008 July/August

"I have only one caveat with La Venexiana's Monteverdi ... Edition - you won't be able to resist bying the lot".