Musik / rock

In Paris

Anmeldelser (3)

The guardian

d. 12. aug. 2022



Ammar Kalia

d. 12. aug. 2022

"Global album of the month" - "Rather than just positioning the band as a protest group made novel by the age and gender of its members, the virtuosity gives their songs of social urgency added depth. Opener "We Are Star Feminine Band", for instance, bursts forth with head-scratchingly complex polyrhythms played by the group's three percussionists. "Peba Ikisina", meanwhile, artfully interweaves a lyrical solo from guitarist Anne Sayi with a syncopated bassline from her sister Julienne, and "Woman Stand Up" showcases the group's layered vocal harmonies. Despite Star Feminine Band only being teenagers with six years of practice under their belts, 'In Paris' showcases the group's astounding pace of instrumental development. While their songwriting could benefit from exploring softer, more downtempo moments in future, it is hugely exciting to hear a fast-moving group with such an urgent message".

The arts desk

d. 10. sep. 2022



Mark Kidel

d. 10. sep. 2022

"Musically, there is nothing exceptional about Star Feminine Band. The material is mostly fast-paced, but somewhat repetitive, and the singing - solo or chorus - not outstanding. The vocalist on "Le droit de l'enfant" is even a little out of tune. The untutored quality and the energy of the album have plenty of charm but the freshness of youth and the right-on material are no substitute for the excellence that their very important causes deserve".


2022 November



Jane Cornwell

2022 November

"[Their] self-titled 2020 debut was hailed everywhere from Songlines to BBC Radio 6 Music and The Guardian for its fresh sound and for the fact that its players - including the 11-year-old drummer - were clearly having a blast as they set about breaking taboos ... Songs co-written and sung in French, English, Waama and Ditammari languages champion female empowerment, and on 'In Paris' the themes and the music are stronger than ever ... Catchy lead single "Le Mariage Forcé" rails against arranged marriage for children and "L'Excision" against female genital mutilation, while the English language tune "Woman Stand Up" feels like a rallying call. A collaboration with Beninese diva Angélique Kidjo is only a matter of time".