Musik / rock

Innate passage

Anmeldelser (4)

Metal injection

d. 21. nov. 2022



Max Heilman

d. 21. nov. 2022

"Innate Passage finds Elder refusing to be boxed in or compartmentalize aspects of their sound. Their music is distinct to a band who has spent the past 16 years expanding the boundaries of stoner rock, fleshing it out with psychedelia, flipping it upside down with progressive chops, and beautifying it with serene melodies. However anyone one tries to categorize them, no one does it quite like Elder. They'll always have the riffs where it counts, but it's clear they always saw stoner music as the springboard into uncharted sonic solar systems".

The guardian

d. 16. juni 2023



Stevie Chick

d. 16. juni 2023

"Every morsel of gravel is audible in the septuagenarian's voice as, backed by a stellar band, she proves the thrill is far from gone".

The guardian

d. 25. nov. 2022



Stevie Chick

d. 25. nov. 2022

"The magic of Innate Passage lies in how lightly the group wear their instrumental mastery. There's precious little showboating or self-indulgence, the wild flourishes always in service of the drama, the moment. The expansive playing of Nick DiSalvo (vocals/guitar) and Mike Risberg (guitar/keys) is anchored by a sensitively virtuosic rhythm section as capable of deft complexity as pulverising heft. And while all five of the album's tracks are epic in length and aspiration, they also share a taut focus, a restless energy".


d. 13. dec. 2022



Mads Aspesgård Kofod

d. 13. dec. 2022

"Når man hiver enkelte stykker og elementer frem i lyset, er der jo masser af godt at sige om pladen, fordi Elder er gode til at få idéer og se muligheder, men de taber momentum ved at nørle rundt i fortærskede prog-for-proggens-skyld-principper. I Elders forsøg på at skabe et holistisk og klassisk progværk, sidder vi i denne omgang i stedet med et ujævnt og fragmenteret makværk".

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