Musik / ballet

Job - a masque for dancing

Anmeldelser (16)

MusicWeb international

2020 November



Michael Cookson

2020 November

"This new album ... contains two of the composer's key works, the cycle Songs of Travel in its orchestral version and Job: A Masque for Dancing ... Given its high quality, I believe Job to be one of the most underappreciated works in Vaughan Williams's output ... Amongst the highlights, the first-class playing of the Introduction and the Saraband of the Sons of God are immediately striking ... The soloist in Songs of Travel is Newport-born bass-baritone Neal Davies ... Davies's wholehearted singing sets the pulse racing; he creates a spirit of resolve and positivity essential to survive life out on the road ... Entirely convincing ... Mark Elder and the Hallé make a compelling case for Job: A Masque for Dancing. Songs of Travel, although well performed, are up against solid competition".

MusicWeb international

2020 October



Jim Westhead

2020 October

"This [Job] is a very good performance, meshing lyricism in abundance with mighty orchestral (and organ) power when required. The playing is splendid and the crucial organ part is immensely impactive ... Overall, this is an excellent CD, and if you are not over-sensitive to Neal Davies' vibrato in The Songs of Travel, you may purchase it with confidence".

Presto classical

d. 29. juni 2023



Katherine Cooper

d. 29. juni 2023

"Editor's choice - June 2023: This fabulous postscript to Manze's cycle of the Vaughan Williams symphonies has all the virtues which made that series such a triumph: finely-judged pacing and balance, punchy brass when required, and wonderfully expressive string-playing throughout. It's great to hear the seldom-recorded early ballet Old King Cole (especially in such a colourful, committed performance as this), and the rumbustious account of The Running Set had me wondering why this exuberant, offbeat little piece doesn't get out more".

MusicWeb international

2024 January



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2024 January

"This is a highly persuasive account of Job. I'm so pleased that Andrew Manze has recorded it as an epilogue, if you will, to his fine cycle of the symphonies. He most certainly has the measure of the score and he obtains splendid playing from the RLPO. If the fillers are not top-drawer VW, then Job is most definitely out of the top drawer. It's a masterpiece and Andrew Manze does it full justice".

MusicWeb international

2023 July



David McDade

2023 July

"Job was written as a ballet but ... right from its premiere, it has had to make do with a life in the concert hall ... This is a bright shining, refreshing account that is consistent with all the virtues of Manze's cycle of the symphonies and deserves its place alongside Boult, Handley and Lloyd-Jones. The virtues of this Job are further enhanced by excellent, appropriate and imaginative couplings ... These two minor scores function like a divertissement after the main business of Job and together they make fine contributions to one of the most enjoyable VW discs I have heard in some time ... If you are in the market for a highly pastoral inflected Job, then this is a recording to hear".

Classical music

2017 March



Guy Weatherall

2017 March

"It is one of Vaughan Williams' most dramatic works and the sheer power of the Bergen forces (that organ!) contrast perfectly with sections of great textural beauty".

BBC music magazine

2017 April



Malcolm Hayes

2017 April

"BBC music choice, Recording of the month: There's a naturalness of manner here that nonchalantly underlines the story-telling element ... Davis's journey through the sequence is quite briskly paced, but never in a way that's perfunctory. He also gets a superlative response from the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra ... The same top-flight level of playing and conducting graces the Ninth Symphony".


2017 juin



Patrick Szersnovicz

2017 juin

Fono Forum

2017 Juli



Thomas Schulz (f. 1960)

2017 Juli

"Job zählt zu den besten Werken des Komponisten - spannend, tiefgründig und glänzend orchestriert. Davies ... liefert eine dramatisch aufgeladene und strukturell souveräne Interpretation des Stücks ... Auch in der rätselhaften neunten Sinfonie ... weiss Andrew Davies zu überzeugend".

BBC music magazine

2020 December



Terry Blain

2020 December

"Orchestral choice: Elder's Hallé are particularly good at catching the strongly English flavour of the work, and its umbilical connections to folk dance. The playing is sharply etched and bristling with confidence ... Even if you already own the reference recordings by Boult, Handley and Davis, it has something new to say, and the sound is excellent".

BBC music magazine

2023 September



Terry Blain

2023 September

Orchestral choice: Vaughan Williams's 'masque for dancing', Job, though rarely seen on a theatre stage, has been fortunate on record ... Trepidation stalks Manze's Job from the outset, the ostensibly pastoral opening shaded by an undertow of dark foreboding ... All told, this is a Job rich in colour and atmosphere, projected with stirring confidence and understanding by the Liverpool players".

Fono Forum

2023 November



Jürgen Schaarwächter

2023 November

High fidelity

1999 5


1999 5

The gramophone

2017 March



Andrew Achenbach

2017 March

"Editor's choice: A performance of striking composure, lustre and palpable dedication. Not only do the Bergen Philharmonic respond with notable poise and eagerness (solo contributions are of the highest quality throughout), Davis conducts with unobtrusive authority as well as a sure hand on the structural tiller, uncovering a wealth of telling harmonic and textural detail along the way".

The gramophone

2021 February



Andrew Achenbach

2021 February

"It's always a treat to encounter a really fine performance of Vaughan Williams's Songs of Travel in their alternative orchestral garb, and I'm happy to report that Neal Davies proves a memorably ardent, articulate and scrupulously sensitive exponent ... Turning to the main course, Elder presides over a reading of Job conspicuous for its unruffled composure, strong interpretative profile and perceptive observation ... Yet another notable addition to the RVW discography from these accomplished artists"".

The gramophone

2023 August



Andrew Achenbach

2023 August

"Editor's choice: Scrupulously prepared and boasting some superbly coordinated infectiously dedicated playing from the RLPO, it's a thoroughly absorbing interpretation ... Right from the outset, there's an ear-pricking clarity about the harnomic writing ... Anyone who has been following Manze's stimulating RVW series for Onyx will require no further encouragement from me".