Musik / rock


Anmeldelser (4)

Gaffa [online]

d. 26. juni 2019



Ivan Rod

d. 26. juni 2019

"amerikanske Rickie Lee Jones udgiver nu på sit eget selskab. Men dét er i hendes tilfælde ikke ensbetydende med, at kvalitetsniveauet sænkes. Sangerindens nye album, Kicks, er således et af hendes bedste til dato, og det siger ikke så lidt. Kicks er et vitalt, energisk og poetisk album med uforfalsket, vokalbaseret country og rock ... hvert eneste nummer på Kicks - er kendetegnet ved Rickie Lee Jones' hudløst troværdige og vildt magnetiske håndtering af materialet. Udtrykket er kantet, skramlet og ridset, men også stofligt, organisk og levende".





Mark Deming


"There's a bit of extra grain around the edges of Jones' voice these days, but her phrasing and imagination are as keen today as they've always been, and the faint sweetness in her delivery has lost none of its power to charm and beguile. Kicks feels like a lesser statement from Jones compared to the more ambitious original material of 2009's Balm in Gilead and 2015's The Other Side of Desire, but as a performer, she's still a unique talent, and the best moments here are a true delight".

Something else!

d. 16. juni 2019



Preston Frazier

d. 16. juni 2019

"Is this the best Rickie Lee Jones album of covers? No, that trophy still belongs to her Girl at Her Volcano. Nevertheless, Kicks is a fine listen and shows that at a time when many of her contemporaries aren't making music, Jones is not content to just rest of her laurels. This is the sign of a true and vibrant artist".

Glide Magazine

d. 5. juni 2019



Matthew Barton

d. 5. juni 2019

"Kicks succeeds in introducing fresh perspectives to songs that are decades old, some of them well-worn, some of them hidden gems. In Rickie Lee Jones' universe, the age or origin of a song is not important - it's about what the song says, how it makes you feel, the story it tells. She is a creative stylist and has fashioned something uniquely her own from the songs of other people, which, of course, is no small feat. Alongside co-producer and vibraphonist Mike Dillion, she has crafted an album that feels of a piece: warm, welcoming, and infectious, sitting comfortably in her catalog".