Musik / rock

King of cowards

Anmeldelser (2)

The guardian

d. 28. sep. 2018



Michael Hann

d. 28. sep. 2018

"Pulverising but accessible metal ... Their second album is rather more accessible than last year's debut, Feed the Rats, in relative terms at least. Where that had only three tracks, two of them more than a quarter of an hour long, this one offers six, and none break the nine-minute mark. It's more sonically expansive: on Feed the Rats, all the instruments sounded as if they were recorded on top of each other, in the world's loudest broom cupboard, but there's rather more space to breathe this time round. That doesn't reduce the effect of the riffs: they're still pulverising, but now they sound like an advancing storm front rather than as if you've been trapped in a sudden downpour".

The line of best fit

d. 25. sep. 2018



Dafydd Jenkins

d. 25. sep. 2018

"Not only is King of Cowards Pigs' best release, the promise of their previous work fulfilled; in a year of hip hop and R&B dominating charts and critics' minds alike, it's probably also the best time you're likely to have with a rock album in 2018. More than that, it's tempting to call a group of Newcastle lads with a daft name one of the UK's finest".