Musik / kor

L'enfance du Christ

Anmeldelser (19)





James Leonard


"It features strong solo singing by an array of better than average English soloists with mezzo-soprano Jean Rigby as warm-toned Marie, baritone Gerald Finley as a big-hearted Joseph, and Alastair Miles as a dark-souled Hérode ... But with earlier performances of the work by Münch and Cluytens, plus Colin Davis twice in the studio and once live, that all go much further into Berlioz's delicately colored and subtly shaded account of the Christmas story, this account cannot be a first recommendation. But as an interesting third or fourth recording for dedicated Berlioz enthusiasts, it may be just the thing".

MusicWeb international

2013 December



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2013 December

"This is a most welcome release which further enhances the credentials of Robin Ticciati, especially in Berlioz".

MusicWeb international

2019 April



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2019 April

"Davis has a strong line-up of soloists ... Matthew Brook is excellent as Hérode ... Un Récitant is sung by Andrew Staples. He gets our attention immediately ... The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra plays extremely well. This is a score that requires refinement from the orchestra and the Melbourne players deliver the goods ... The orchestra responds very well to Sir Andrew Davis who conducts the performance with a very pleasing lightness of touch, demonstrating excellent empathy for the music ... This new Chandos recording of L'Enfance du Christ is very successful. There isn`t a weak link in the performance and, indeed, it has many strengths ... A fine contribution to the Berlioz 150th anniversary".


d. 16. dec. 2008



Thomas Michelsen

d. 16. dec. 2008

"Her synges på fransk, og Berlioz' juleoratorium er så kødfuldt og blodrigt som nogen opera ... I orkestret hører man de romerske legionærers regelmæssige skridt, når de bevæbnet og i tung rustning går nattepatrulje. Englene, derimod, hvisker med barnerøst og beroligende orgelsvæv ... Den britiske bassanger Alastair Miles yder her et enestående stykke operaarbejde af den ægte tredimensionelle slags, og solister og korsangere lever sig ind i historien. Anmelderen tilstår, at han fik gåsehud flere gange undervejs".

BBC music magazine

2013 December



Michael Scott Rohan

2013 December

"Beuron, still probably France's finest lyric tenor, a compelling Recitant with open, ardent tones and warm delivery ... Miles is a splendidly anguished but restrained Herod and benign Ishmaelite, singing decent French ... Ticciati's conducting is warm and vivid, and his textures translucent".


2014 octobre



Gérard Condé

2014 octobre

BBC music magazine

2006 December



Terry Blain

2006 December

"Philippe Herreweghe directs a predominantly French-speaking cast of singers in a tender, intimate interpretation of this strangely affecting "trilogie sacrée". This is a live performance from 1997, finely recorded and handsomely repackaged".


2019 mai



Gérard Condé

2019 mai

BBC music magazine

2019 May



Roger Nichols (musikanmelder)

2019 May

"All the soloists are excellent, and thoughtful casting among the four baritones and bass-baritones has allotted the Israelite father to Matthew Brook, who brings just that touch of extra warmth to the role. Chorus and orchestra add further lustre to this superb enterprise, in which Andrew Davis's love for the music shines through in every bar".

BBC music magazine

2007 September



Michael Scott Rohan

2007 September

"Here's a live Enfance with a promising cast, SACD surround-sound, and Davis conducting - enough for most Berliozians. Yet having already recorded two excellent versions ... what more can Davis add? Not improvement, perhaps, but a different approach".

International record review

2014 February



John Warrack

2014 February

"Robin Ticciati's new version ... is sensitive and scrupulous, responsive to the subtleties of Berlioz's score and the emotions of the participants. Alastair Miles ... gives fine performances ... Stephan Loges is a tender, anxious Joseph ... Véronique Gens a fine Berlioz singer ... Yann Beuron judges the role of the evangelist Narrator sympathetically".

Berlingske tidende

d. 16. dec. 2003


d. 16. dec. 2003


d. 19. dec. 2003


d. 19. dec. 2003


d. 21. jan. 2001


d. 21. jan. 2001

The gramophone

2019 March



Tim Ashley

2019 March

"Sasha Cooke makes a radiant Mary opposite Roderick Williams's tenderly solicitous Joseph ... The Melbourne Symphony, meanwhile, sound very warm and plush, perhaps a bit too much so for some tastes in this work, but their playing is beautifully articulated and detailed. The set's principal strength, however, lies in the choral singing, which is superb throughout in its clarity, balance and dynamic control ... Not a first-choice recording for the work, perhaps, though the best of it is very fine indeed".

International record review

2007 September



Marc Rochester

2007 September

"Some may find the septuagenarian Sir Colin ... a little too comfortable with his Berlioz after a lifetime's involvement with the composer's music, but there is no doubt that his revisitation of this truly classic score is utterly and totally compelling".

The gramophone

2007 October



John Warrack

2007 October

"If Yann Baeuron, on the new version, is not quite so attentive to subtleties of detail, he still expounds the events sensitively, with Davis's surefooted accompaniment closely matching all that is enacted".